The derivation of Ito formula and Stratonovich formula

lundi 1 septembre 2014

The differential form of a stochastic variable can be expressed as $$dx=a(x)dt+b(x)dw(t)$$, here w(t) presents the Wiener process and satisfies ##(dw)^2=dt##.

For the function f(x), the derivation of its differential form in the book by Gardiner is


taking into account ##(dw)^2=dt## and only take the first order of dt, we get the Ito formula


Here is my questions:

1, In the above derivation, which step shows the Ito rule?

2, How to derive the "Stratonovich formula" by the same way? That's which step I should change when I use Stratonovich rule to get the differential form of the function f(x).

Thank you!

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