Forces involved in a 'tug of war'

lundi 1 septembre 2014

Can someone give a detailed phusical description description of the forces involved in this game?

Let consider only the first player on the right:

0) does it make any difference if he is pulling aagainst an opposing varying force or he is pulling a truck?


1) does friction play any role here? if his heels are dug in a hole or lean on a reversed starting block, does it make any difference?

2) his legs are fully stretched. Can he exert a force directly on the ground?

3) can he exert a greater force either on the rope or on the ground

4) if yes, how

5) if no, is it due to Newton third law? suppose his legs are stretched and the ground is just a point of support: when he pulls the rope is half force discharged on the ground?

6) if he wants the rope to accelerate in his direction is it necessary that the two forces be unequa? Is it true that if they are equal the total force on the player will vanish?

6) in conclusion, after all your evaluations which force is more important for victory, the one on the rope or the one ond the ground

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