Could Convection Current power a stirring device in a saucepan

mercredi 17 septembre 2014

Hi my names Oliver and I'm new to this but I am currently studying engineering, maths and physics A levels and as part of my engineering I have to create an innovative product. My idea is a saucepan with a built in device to stir the contents without the need for human interaction. So far I've thought of a rotating form of blade on a pivot in the centre, however I've been thinking how to power it. I don't want to use electronics because it would get awkward with the heat so I've been thinking along the lines of convection currents, however I've never really studied them into great depths through my AS years so I don't know a great deal about them. So my question is could convection currents generate enough power to rotate a metal blade around a pivot? I've included a picture for anyone that doesn't understand my idea (I know I might not be that clear). And I understand about viscosity so to make It easy at the moment just say the saucepan is full of water.

thanks for your time and replies if there's any more information needed just ask and I'll reply when I can.

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