1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
Convert to the two other coordinate systems: θ = π/4
2. Relevant equations
tan = x/y
r = √(x[itex]^{}2[/itex] + (y[itex]^{}2[/itex])
3. The attempt at a solution
The tangent equals one, so doesn't this make just the line x = y? But the cylinder (I'm assuming since the second part is the same exact problem but with [itex]\phi[/itex]). But that doesn't make sense because isn't this just a cylinder slice? And how do I convert it to spherical afterwards?
I can't find any help anywhere (book or online) about being given a single coordinate.
Convert to the two other coordinate systems: θ = π/4
2. Relevant equations
tan = x/y
r = √(x[itex]^{}2[/itex] + (y[itex]^{}2[/itex])
3. The attempt at a solution
The tangent equals one, so doesn't this make just the line x = y? But the cylinder (I'm assuming since the second part is the same exact problem but with [itex]\phi[/itex]). But that doesn't make sense because isn't this just a cylinder slice? And how do I convert it to spherical afterwards?
I can't find any help anywhere (book or online) about being given a single coordinate.
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