applied numerical

mercredi 17 septembre 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

The Michaelis-Menten model describes the kinetics of enzyme mediated reactions:

dS/ dt =− vm (S/( ks +S ) )

where S = substrate concentration (moles/L), vm = maximum uptake rate (moles/L/d), and

ks = the half-saturation constant, which is the substrate level at which uptake is half of the maximum [moles/L]. If the initial substrate level at t =0 is S0, this differential equation can be solved for S = S0 −vmt +ks ln(S0/S)

Develop an M-file to generate a plot of S versus t for the case where S0 =8 moles/L, vm =0.7 moles/L/d, and ks =2.5 moles/L.

2. Relevant equations

i get it from applied numerical methods chapter 5 number 11

3. The attempt at a solution

i did see what M file is, but i dont know where to start

or to be precise i dont know what to write

any1 willing to help me step by step?

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