1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
A lossless transmission line with
characteristic impedance Z0 = 50Ω , β = 5∏x10-3,
and length l =80 meters, is terminated into a load ZL = 80Ω. The transmission line is powered by a source with 120 V and ZG = 12 Ω. Calculate the load voltage.
2. Relevant equations
V(z) = V+(e-jβz + [itex]\Gamma[/itex]ejβz
[itex]\Gamma[/itex] = (ZL - Z0)/(ZL + Z0)
Zinput = Z0(ZL+Z0tanh(jβL))/(Z0+ZLtanh(jβL))
V+ = VGZinput/((ejβL +[itex]\Gamma[/itex]e-jβL )(Zinput+ZG))
3. The attempt at a solution
[itex]\Gamma[/itex] = (80-50)/(80+50) = 3/13
Zinput = 50(80+50tanh(j*.4*pi)/(50+80tanh(j*.4*pi)
I can't find the input independence because my calculator can't evaluate the imaginary argument in the tanh function. I also have to same problem with solving for V+ and the imaginary exponents in the denominator. Does anyone know a way around this, or am I completely doing the wrong thing here?
A lossless transmission line with
characteristic impedance Z0 = 50Ω , β = 5∏x10-3,
and length l =80 meters, is terminated into a load ZL = 80Ω. The transmission line is powered by a source with 120 V and ZG = 12 Ω. Calculate the load voltage.
2. Relevant equations
V(z) = V+(e-jβz + [itex]\Gamma[/itex]ejβz
[itex]\Gamma[/itex] = (ZL - Z0)/(ZL + Z0)
Zinput = Z0(ZL+Z0tanh(jβL))/(Z0+ZLtanh(jβL))
V+ = VGZinput/((ejβL +[itex]\Gamma[/itex]e-jβL )(Zinput+ZG))
3. The attempt at a solution
[itex]\Gamma[/itex] = (80-50)/(80+50) = 3/13
Zinput = 50(80+50tanh(j*.4*pi)/(50+80tanh(j*.4*pi)
I can't find the input independence because my calculator can't evaluate the imaginary argument in the tanh function. I also have to same problem with solving for V+ and the imaginary exponents in the denominator. Does anyone know a way around this, or am I completely doing the wrong thing here?
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