Can dark energy be a different dark matter?

jeudi 29 mai 2014

I'm not a physics student (chemistry instead), and know extremely little about relativity, so this might be a dumb question and would appreciate simple answers. I'm just curious about this. :)

So there is dark matter, which I understand to be the matter that is not detected but needed to account for galaxy motion...and then there is dark energy which is the energy not detected but needed to account for universal expansion.

But, I thought that energy and matter were in a way interchangeable because E =mc^2 . So could you not say that what is missing to account for universal expansion is also missing matter instead of energy? Could it be that, instead of saying it was dark energy, they called it dark matter2 or something?

I guess what I'm wondering is, is it valid to think of the "missing component" that would help explain the universe's expansion as matter instead of energy?

And also, it makes sort of intuitive sense to me that dark matter would be used to explain missing gravitational attractions, since matter has gravity, but it wouldn't make sense in my head for matter to cause expansion. Energy I can picture causing expansion. But again, I feel like what I have heard is that matter and energy are interchangeable, so can someone clarify this?

Thank you :)

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