Integration of x^2/(xsinx+cosx)^2

samedi 29 mars 2014

Hi everyone,

First of all, this isn't really a "homework", I've completed my calculus course and I'm just curious about this problem.

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

[itex]\int\frac{x^{2}}{(xsinx+cosx)^{2}} dx[/itex]

2. Relevant equations

Trigonometric substitutions, integration by parts maybe?

3. The attempt at a solution

This is a solved problem.

How does [itex]\int\frac{x^{2}}{(xsinx+cosx)^{2}} dx[/itex] become [itex]\int xsecx \frac{xcosx}{(xsinx+cosx)^{2}} dx[/itex]?

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