Will the scuba diver sink or float

mardi 29 octobre 2013

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

A scuba diver and her gear displace a volume of 65.0L and have a total mass of 68.0kg. What is the buoyant force on her and will the diver float or sink.

2. Relevant equations


3. The attempt at a solution

The first thing I did was find the weight of the diver as w=mg=68.0kgX9.8m/s2=670N

Then I tried to find the buoyant force using archemedes' principal (FB=pH20Vg

I used the given density as 103 kg/m3, the volume of water displaced is 65.0L, which I converted to m3 by using the factor of 103L/1m3 to get 6.5X104m3. The equation then becomes


and I get 6.4X108N, which is greater than mg, so the diver would float.

I'm wondering if this is correct or not

Edit: Forgot to mention, I'm not too concerned with sigfigs, as long as the answer is withing a reasonable variance the teacher will give me credit.

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