Finding emitter voltage using Multisim

mardi 29 octobre 2013

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Using DC Operating point analysis in Multisim (DO NOT USE


voltage and emitter current. Provide a screenshot of the results

window. Put a title for the output and label accordingly. Show clearly

the emitter current and the voltage on the results window

2. Relevant equations

3. The attempt at a solution

I built the circuit asked of me I will upload it and I figured out how to get emitter current. I also understand that Ve=Vb-Vbe and I have Vbe what I am confused about is how to find the base voltage of the circuit so I can implement the equation?

Attached Images

File Type: png HMWK#1CircuitDiagram#1.PNG (4.9 KB)

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