Error Propagation - Estimating Variance

mardi 29 octobre 2013

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Not exactly a homework question, but rather a section in Statistical Data Analysis:

Suppose there is a pdf y[SUB](x)[/SUB] that is not completely known, but μi and Vij are known:

2. Relevant equations

3. The attempt at a solution

I understand how <y(x) > ≈ y(μ),

My confusion:

Why does <y(x2) >

1. Imply we square everything throughout?

<[y(μ) + Ʃ[∂y/∂x](xi - μi)]2>

2. give a xi and xj term? Where did the xj come from?

3. Why is it for i≠j when xi and xj are uncorrelated, the expression simplifies to

σ2y ≈ Ʃ[∂y/∂x]2σ2i

Where did the j go?

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