1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
Schroedinger equation for potential barrier.
What if #V_0=E##
First region. Particles are free.
In third region
2. Relevant equations
where ##V_0## is height of barrier.
For region II
3. The attempt at a solution
In second region
##\frac{d^2 \psi}{dx^2}=0##
from that
Boundary condition
System 4x4
Is this correct?
Could you tell me in this case do I have bond state?
Schroedinger equation for potential barrier.
What if #V_0=E##
First region. Particles are free.
In third region
2. Relevant equations
where ##V_0## is height of barrier.
For region II
3. The attempt at a solution
In second region
##\frac{d^2 \psi}{dx^2}=0##
from that
Boundary condition
System 4x4
Is this correct?
Could you tell me in this case do I have bond state?
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