Addition or union of subspace

samedi 29 mars 2014

Evening everyone, I have a problem with addition of subspaces.

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

I have to find the dimension of U and dim(V), of the union dim(U+V) and of dim(U[itex]\cap[/itex]V)

U is spanned by



1 \\

-2 \\




1 \\

1 \\



\end{align} and V is spanned by



3 \\

0 \\




0 \\

3 \\



\end{align} a[itex]\in[/itex][itex]\textbf{R}[/itex]

2. Relevant equations

[itex]dim(U)+dim(V)-dim(U [/itex][itex]\cap[/itex][itex]V)=dim(U+V) [/itex]

3. The attempt at a solution

Because the vectors spanning U and V are lin. independent:

[itex]dim(U) = dim(V) = 2 [/itex]

I find the intersection by equaling the two subspaces and then solving the linear system. But how do I find the sum of the two subspaces without calculating the intersection first?

Any hints are very appreciated :)

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