1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
integral (e^-ax)sin(bx) from 0 to infinity
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
I want to check if my answer is right
I got
\frac { \frac { -1 }{ a } { e }^{ -ax }\quad sinbx\quad -\frac { b }{ { a }^{ 2 } } { e }^{ -ax }\quad cosbx }{ 1+\frac { { b }^{ 2 } }{ { a }^{ 2 } } }
and when I did the limit to infinity I got zero?
I'm not sure if it's correct
integral (e^-ax)sin(bx) from 0 to infinity
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
I want to check if my answer is right
I got
\frac { \frac { -1 }{ a } { e }^{ -ax }\quad sinbx\quad -\frac { b }{ { a }^{ 2 } } { e }^{ -ax }\quad cosbx }{ 1+\frac { { b }^{ 2 } }{ { a }^{ 2 } } }
and when I did the limit to infinity I got zero?
I'm not sure if it's correct
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