Extracting eigenvectors from a matrix

jeudi 2 janvier 2014


1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

I want to show that a real symmetric matrix will have real eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenvectors.



A & H\\

H & B



3. The attempt at a solution

For the matrix shown above it's clear that the charateristic equation will be


I can show that the discriminant of the quadratic equation will be greater than 0 implying that the eigenvalues must be real.



Since ##A, B, H \in \mathbb{R}##, ##(A-B)^2+4H^2 \geq 0##

Knowing that ##\lambda## must be real for this matrix.

My only problem now is to show that the eigenvector is orthogonal.

The matrix has eigenvalues of ##\lambda_1, \lambda_2##, and hence eigenvectors ##\lambda_1v_1, \lambda_2v_2##.

How can I show,


I know ##\lambda_1\lambda_2=det(M)##

It could become,


Then it's clear the vectors are orthogonal because ##det(M)## cannot be 0. But the problem is this is not a proof because I explicitly assume the dot product are 0 in the first place..

I tried substituting the complete quadratic equation into the matrix as if I know the lambda but then the matrix cannot be eliminated in simple manner and I got a mess real quick.

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