Hessian matrix of the Newtonian potential is zero?

vendredi 29 août 2014

So I'm looking at the hessian of the Newtonian potential:

[itex] \partial^2\phi / \partial x_i \partial x_j [/itex]

Using the fact that (assuming the mass is constant):

[itex] F = m \cdot d^2 x / d t^2 = - \nabla \phi [/itex]

This implies:

[itex] \partial^2\phi / \partial x_i \partial x_j = -m \cdot \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j} (d^2 x_i / d t^2) = -m \cdot \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j} (\partial^2 x_i / \partial t^2)[/itex]

As we can swap the total derivatives for partial derivatives since for Cartesian coordinates:

[itex] \partial x_i / \partial x_j = \delta_{ij} [/itex]

Using the fact that we can swap the order of differentiation for mixed partials (assuming continuity of the partial derivatives) we obtain:

[itex] \partial^2\phi / \partial x_i \partial x_j = -m \cdot \partial^3 x_i / \partial x_j \partial t^2 = -m \cdot \frac{\partial}{\partial t^2} \partial x_i / \partial x_j = -m \cdot 0 = 0 [/itex]

Hence I obtain the result that the hessian of the Newtonian potential is zero which can't possibly be correct but I can't find the error in my calculation.

Any help would be much appreciated :)

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