Differentiation of a Taylor series

vendredi 29 août 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Hi guys, any help on this question would be hugely appreciated.

The Taylor series about 0 for the function f(x)=(1/4+x)-3/2 is

f(x)=8 - 48x + 240x^2 - 1120x^3 + ...

used differentiation to find the Taylor series about 0 for the function g(x)=(1/4+x)-5/2

3. The attempt at a solution

I tired differentiating each term to obtain 0-48+480x-3360x^2 but that can't be right since the correct answer seems to be g(x)=(1/4+x)^-5/2 to be 32-320x+2240x^2....

I'd be greatful if someone could shed some light on how I go about approaching this.

Thanks in advance. :smile:

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