Regarding ' The Electric field inside a non conducting shell '

dimanche 1 juin 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

There is a Uniformly charged Non conducting shell along with a point charge external to the shell . they make up an isolated system . Find the electric field inside the shell .

2. Relevant equations

3. The attempt at a solution Actually using superposition principle we obtain that the field is actually non zero . But in order to calculate the electric field inside the shell if i use gauss law by considering a gaussian surface inside the shell .... there will be no charge enclosed in it so by gauss law the flux is zero . since in that case ∫E.da = E∫da which is equal to zero . Since ∫da is non zero E must be zero .......

I guess there is some fault with this but im unable to find it out . So plz can u help me .

And thanks for sparing ur valuable time to read this .

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