exceptation of energy by Hamiltonian

lundi 30 juin 2014


The question says that we can write the Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscilator like this:

H=0.5*[P^2/m + (4*h^2*x^2)/(m*σ^4)] where h is h-bar

I need to calculate the exceptation value of energy of the oscilator with the next function: ψ(x)=A*exp{-[(x-bi)^2]/σ^2}.

I tried to the the integral: ∫ψ*Hψdx where H is the operator of p and x but I got a big integral and I dont think its the write way because the finite answer is pretty simple:

Answer: (h^2/m)*(1/σ^2 + (2*b^2)/σ^4) where h is h-bar

How can I solve it?


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