Thesis Title - Space Based Solar Power (recommendations)

samedi 28 septembre 2013


Here is my executive summary. Anyhave have recommendations for the titles. Originally it is "Space Based Solar Power: A System Review". It's short, snappy, but it doesn't quite portray my thesis and I am specifically looking at one type of SBSP system. But it is unconventional, so there it no name for it. In my thesis I call it "hybrid-relay laser-HVDC cable concept". But it sounds very unprofessional especially for a title.

So yeah any short titles, which portray my thesis a little better, since I am looking at a specific concept more than general concepts.

If no one can up with a reasonable title no worries, I will just keep the current one, as I have until Monday afternoon to submit, so over the weekend just cleaning up the English, and adding finishing touches etc.


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