1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
Thew circuit shows a 10KΩ potentiometer with a 5KΩ load. determine the position of the slider on the 'pot' when tthe voltage across points 'XX' is 3V
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
I=V/R = 12/10x10^3 = 0.0012A = 1.2mA
I=Vo/Io = 3/5x10^3 = 0.0006A = 0.6mA
Vi/Ri+Ro = 9/10x10^3 + 5x10^3 = 0.6mA
VD Across Ri =Vi =RiVi/Ri+Ro = RiVi/R
Thew circuit shows a 10KΩ potentiometer with a 5KΩ load. determine the position of the slider on the 'pot' when tthe voltage across points 'XX' is 3V
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
I=V/R = 12/10x10^3 = 0.0012A = 1.2mA
I=Vo/Io = 3/5x10^3 = 0.0006A = 0.6mA
Vi/Ri+Ro = 9/10x10^3 + 5x10^3 = 0.6mA
VD Across Ri =Vi =RiVi/Ri+Ro = RiVi/R
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