Help solving line integral question

mercredi 31 juillet 2013

h1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Evaluate ∫xy|dr| over the path given by x=t^3, y=t^2, t=0...2

2. Relevant equations

x=t^3, y=t^2, t=0...2

3. The attempt at a solution

x=t^3, y=t^2

y^(3/2) =x, y=t, x=t^(3/2), t=0...4

∫0to4 t^5/2 [Sqrt((3t^(1/2))/2)^2 +(1)^2]

=∫0to4 t^5/2 [Sqrt(9t/4 + 1) dt

HELP PLEASE, I'm not sure this is right. Help or point me in the right direction, would you? :-)

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