Looking for input about internship project

mardi 1 juillet 2014

A little background first; I contacted a person at a national lab to see if he could hire me for a year between undergrad and grad school. He advised me to apply to SULI and that way we could work together for the next few months. So I did and luckily got accepted, but it seems that before he could extend me an offer, someone else did on a project that, although might be interesting, I'm not really excited about. The person I had initially contacted send me an e-mail saying that SULI does allow competing offers from different mentors, and the SULI e-mail says that if I decline I won't be given another offer.

So now I had no choice but to accept the offer I already had. My question is (to those SULI mentors out there perhaps), can I ask the person that I will be working with for an extra project if I get bored with the first one? If so, how would you do that? Or can I ask to switch mentors?

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