am i insane or is that big?

mercredi 30 juillet 2014

so I am watching this sunshine movie. its a movie about reigniting the sun. I have been ignoring most of the problems I see with the movie but.... there is one thing I find interesting.

as these people get closer to the sun they seem to get increasingly crazy. is there any science behind that....

I mean that as a person gets closer to a massive object, something much more massive than the earth.. something approaching the sun... the way I understood it, is that space time is warped as you get closer to massive objects..

so could our mental states be in jeopardy if time were to be stretched or shortened from the "norm" according to what general relativity tells us?

I mean if the instantaneous moment we perceive as now suddenly lasts longer or shorter would that drive someone crazy?

idk silly fun idea!!

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