I keep failing tests no matter how hard I try

mercredi 2 juillet 2014

It's just this one class I'm taking. It's really, really demoralizing. I normally do pretty well in my classes, I'm majoring in electrical engineering and I've so far kept a 3.2 GPA. I've only had to repeat one class, calculus II, and that was over a year ago, all of my other math classes I ended up getting A's in (that's calculus 3, differential equations, and linear algebra).

So I don't know what the hell it is about general physics 2, but it seems like no matter how much I study and how prepared I am for my exams, I keep epically failing them and getting scores in the 40% range and scoring at the bottom of the class. This last one in particular, it was just circuits, nothing else. I've been doing circuit stuff every semester for the last two years: there is no reason that I should be missing this stuff.

I was thoroughly prepared for it. The first one was some trouble since it was review of general physics 1, and it's been a long time since I took that. The second one didn't go well either, even though I felt very prepared and didn't have any trouble working the problems on the exam.

This last one, not only was I prepared (I studied nearly 30 hours over a week and a half), it was material that I've long since been fully exposed to. I wasn't being careless or sloppy, I stayed for the entire exam period checking and re-checking everything and thoroughly working out all of the problems. We're allowed to bring an equation sheet and I had every equation in all of the chapters of the textbook relevant to the exam written on it. Yet, not only did it turn out poorly, it was the worst grade I've gotten so far in the course.

I consistently get perfect scores on my quizzes, labs, and homework, and I greatly enjoy the material. I have no idea what's going on, it's not some weirdness with curving and to my knowledge I'm not being penalized for anything. My professor has not been helpful either. When I go to her office to talk about the exam I'm fully able to work out the problems correctly without any difficulty.

I'm both frustrated and extremely stressed out. I cannot afford to fail this class since it will set me back severely in my curriculum as the class I need it for is not offered in spring. I just need help...I don't know what to do.

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