1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
Set up the double integral over the region ##y=x+3; y=x^2+1##
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
finding the intersections you get the double integral
##\int_{1}^{5}\int_{-1}^{2}dxdy =12 ##
but why is that not the same as
##\int_{1}^{5}\int_{-1}^{\sqrt{y-1}} dxdy =\frac{28}{3}##
Set up the double integral over the region ##y=x+3; y=x^2+1##
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
finding the intersections you get the double integral
##\int_{1}^{5}\int_{-1}^{2}dxdy =12 ##
but why is that not the same as
##\int_{1}^{5}\int_{-1}^{\sqrt{y-1}} dxdy =\frac{28}{3}##
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