1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
I am attempting to draw 3-ethylbutanoic acid as well I am trying to determine the geometry of (FeCl4)- and (Ni(CN)4)-2.
Also, can dichlorobisethylenediaminecobalt(III) chloride be expressed as (Coen2Cl2)Cl?
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
I think 3-ethylbutanoic acid can look like see attached
Just for clarification a double bond is coming off of the C=O and a single bond off the C-CH2CH3
I believe the geometry of (FeCl4)- is Tetrahedral and the last one is square planar
I am attempting to draw 3-ethylbutanoic acid as well I am trying to determine the geometry of (FeCl4)- and (Ni(CN)4)-2.
Also, can dichlorobisethylenediaminecobalt(III) chloride be expressed as (Coen2Cl2)Cl?
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
I think 3-ethylbutanoic acid can look like see attached
Just for clarification a double bond is coming off of the C=O and a single bond off the C-CH2CH3
I believe the geometry of (FeCl4)- is Tetrahedral and the last one is square planar
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