1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
a) Suggest a physical interpretation of the dependence of the Gibbs energy
on the pressure.
b) Suggest a physical interpretation of the dependence of the Gibbs energy
on the temperature
3. The attempt at a solution
I don't really catch the physical interpretation for a general reaction, just for a particular case which is the phase transition: as the phase with the smallest Vm will be favored when increasing the pressure (gas to liquid and to solid).
b) dG/dT=-S
The sharpness of the decrease of G as temperature increases is determined by the entropy of the system. This means tht a gas is more sensitive than a liquid or a sold. OK, I understand the consequence, but not the cause, WHY is the entropy the determinant?
a) Suggest a physical interpretation of the dependence of the Gibbs energy
on the pressure.
b) Suggest a physical interpretation of the dependence of the Gibbs energy
on the temperature
3. The attempt at a solution
I don't really catch the physical interpretation for a general reaction, just for a particular case which is the phase transition: as the phase with the smallest Vm will be favored when increasing the pressure (gas to liquid and to solid).
b) dG/dT=-S
The sharpness of the decrease of G as temperature increases is determined by the entropy of the system. This means tht a gas is more sensitive than a liquid or a sold. OK, I understand the consequence, but not the cause, WHY is the entropy the determinant?
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