Parallel RC with current source

lundi 28 avril 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

See images

In the first image, I made a circuit with the switch closed and then two when the switch is opened.

The bottom circuit is the Thev transform.

2. Relevant equations

3. The attempt at a solution

Let me first explain my understanding of the circuit. Prior to t = 0, the dc source been suppling a current to capacitor for an lengthy amount of time in which case the cap would reach a 'steady state' of voltage. I decided to find this voltage by using a Thevenin transformation ( 90 V and 6Ω series).

vc(0) = 90 V

My concern with this is that when I created the new circuit in iCircuit app, the cap voltage only read 30 V..?

vc(∞) = 0 V (intuitive understanding of the circuit)

In order to find vc(t), I went back to the original circuit and decided to try:


vc(t) = 1/C ∫i dt

At this point, I just got lost and wasn't sure how to continue.

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