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- -
- -1
- ...incarceration or institutionalization can delay emotional growth
- .3333.... equals to
- "A Slower Speed of Light"
- "Amount" red light in red shifted light
- "Black sun" effect in CMOS sensors
- "Cosmology from quantum potential"
- "Inside" the balloon analogy
- "null geodesic" - Dirac
- "What colour is this dress" craze
- "Why does there need to be a UFT"
- "Why models run hot"
- (6
- (Answered) Finding new potential difference after switch is closed?
- (Physics Ph.D.) Berkeley or Princeton.
- (simple?) question on number of molecules in an area
- (Solid State) low resistivity dependance on temperature
- )
- [Java] Did I write this program correctly? Please check
- [Python] include block of code
- [SQL] Order of Appearence in Query Results.
- [SQL] Way of Relating any two Tables?
- [Thermal Physics] Calculating Energy Removal
- *)
- *) in Fortran ?
- *)and (*
- 0) plane in HCP
- 000 miles per second?
- 1
- 1 Capacitor
- 1 degree
- 1-D elastic collision between proton and nucleus
- 1]
- 100 Lockers Problem Java Program.
- 126% size of full moon
- 12V Wind Turbine - Voltage question
- 130
- 16 years old and an aspiring physicist
- 1951)
- 1D Harmonic Oscillator in a Consant Electric Field
- 2 Inductors
- 2 questions...I wish I had gone to school for this
- 2-form oriented triangle
- 2015 Summer Internships Thread
- 2048 game
- 2048 mobile app game
- 210% size of full moon
- 2D kinematics question (2nd year of undergrad level.)
- 2D Stationary advection-diffusion eq. as a BVP
- 2D-Diamond and 2D-Center Rectangular Lattice Comparison
- 2nd order pole while computing residue in a complex integral
- 3 barrel question / logic puzzle
- 3-phase neutral wire inquiry
- 300% size of full moon
- 30FPS displayed on a 200Hz monitor
- 342
- 36% size of full moon
- 3D Solid Deformation Problem
- 425% size of full moon
- 44
- 4D space? 4D Cubes?
- 5 seconds
- 5 year video
- 525% size of full moon
- 5D Space-time (and higher...)
- 6 sided shape drawing
- 60Hz to 50Hz converter for subwoofer
- 80% Gasoline + 20% Kerosene = 20% more power?
- 840 ...
- 91. Nobel lauriate cosmologist
- A
- a 1-D dirac delta in n-dimensions
- A ball of mass m is thrown with a velocity v at a disk...
- A ball on a string
- A ball on a string.
- A ball rolls without slipping in a cylindrical trough
- A big storm over Sydney region
- A Black Holes "lost entropy"?
- A change proposial in policies.
- A coin on 2D membrane
- A conductor shields its inside from its outside but not vice-versa
- A confusion with tangent galvanometer
- A confusion with tangent galvanometer.
- A cuboid on an inclined plane - based on an Olympiad problem
- A glass marble is dropped down an elevator shaft
- A heated cathode inducing thermionic emission of electrons.
- A hole in the LHCs vacuum bubble safety argument
- A lemma in proving Sylows theorem
- A little help with a Python equation
- A little more math
- A New Day For Saturn
- A noobie questioning the nature of space
- A number theoretical problem
- A problem about CMB
- a Putin critic shot dead
- A question about derived functors.
- A Question about fractional calculus
- A question of rolling?
- A question on adding dates to name et al. in dissertation
- A question on defining vectors as equivalence classes
- A question on proving the chain rule
- A question on the commutativity of finite rotations
- A question regarding isolated charged plates vs. capacitors
- A reasonable topic for a write-up in theoretical physics
- A simple question regarding H2O
- A Small light bulb is suspended
- A Space Geeks Return to the Forums
- A spring and two blocks with kinetic energy
- a step skipped in solution.
- A string sewn in a 2D membrane
- A Universe without expansion
- A water fountain that seems to defy gravity
- A-level student with a love for particle physics
- A=F/M Based problem - air track glider
- abelian groups
- abelian groups.
- About anti bunching and bunching
- about light
- about scattering length
- About the birth of a Star
- About the Rubber Sheet Analogy
- About the Uncertainty Principle
- about velocity
- Absolute potential enegy
- Absorbtion of EM quanta
- Abstract Algebra; Group Theory Question
- Abstract Class return
- AC current through AC equipment
- AC power source for lab
- Academia as a woman who wants a family
- Accelerating charges and frames of reference
- Accelerating Particle Radiation
- Accelerating Wedge and block on top of it -- Dynamics
- Acceleration as a Motion or Not a Motion
- Acceleration time graph
- acceleration/gryo ratings for spinning wheel
- acid dissociation constant
- Acidic strength
- Active/Passive Diffeomorphisms – clarification on Rovelli’s
- Adaptive Modulation System
- Adhesive and cohesive forces
- Adiabatic irreversible expansion
- Adiabatic vs. Isocurvature cosmological perturbations
- Adjoint and inverse of product of operators
- Advice needed about rocket performances
- Advice on building a radio transmitter in the Radio Control band
- Aerospace Careers for Non-Engineers
- Aerospace engineering at Imperial?
- Age problem in the LCDM model
- air resistance on a car around a bend
- Air rifle max velocity vs. tank pressure
- Aircraft APU
- Algebra 2 and Trig textbooks
- algebra geodesic equation
- Algebra/small approx quick Q
- Algorithm for Numerical approximation to add data points
- Ali and Das
- Allocatable character array in Fortran
- alloha !
- Almost sure invariance principle
- Aloha :)
- Alpha significance
- Alternating current
- Alternating series question
- Alternator output
- Aluminium embossing roller
- Aluminum structure modifications for use near a very hot fire...
- Am I reading this reaction right?
- Amazing shot of a meteor over Loch Ness
- Ambient temperature on production floor
- Amino Acids and Lipids
- Amperes law question
- Amplified Tuner Circuit
- Amplitude of 2 waves at a point
- An appropriate way to show a professor you care?
- An argument for "Brocards problem has finite solution"
- An interesting experimental phenomenon about electric field
- An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (Peskin and Schröder) - Page 22
- An investigation on the factors affecting skiing
- Analogy for recession of galaxies > the speed of light
- Analyzing diode circuit with Constant Voltage Drop model
- and added load? friction
- and declination
- and function notation
- and ISIS/ISIL/Daesh
- and Losses
- And now for the latest news from Alpha Centauri
- and Sinewave
- and Sinwave
- and v
- And... who is your Swords+Sorcery or Fantasy character?
- Angle of Inclination of a Water Surface
- Angle of photon emission from particle decay (Particle Phys)
- angle of total acceleration of an object in circular motion
- Angular momentum of a thin spherical shell
- Angular momentum to Power
- angular motion-centrifuge problem please help.
- Animating wave packet with Python
- Annoying URL in copied text
- Anomaly cancellation triangle
- Another cannonball question
- Another Inductance winding Number question
- Another question from Srednickis QFT book
- Another Thermo First Law Q
- Ansoft maxwell 15
- answer way too small... something wrong?
- Ansys 15 and Maxwell 14
- Antenna theory detection of angle of incidence
- Antiparticles are regular particles going backward in time?
- Any good websites for learning Java?
- any help about orc
- any help about ORC (organic Rankine cycle)
- Any tips on studying better?
- Anyone have advise on how to learn languages?
- Anyone have experience finding money for school?
- AP Calculus AB vs AP Calculus BC Exams?
- Apparent Depth of Light Bulb above Water and Mirror
- Applications of SHM difficult
- applied force
- Applied Optimization
- Applying law of momentum conservation
- Arc length
- Are all antennas traveling wave antennas?
- Are all physics theories reliant on "the speed of light"?
- Are Jacobi fields defined at intersection points?
- Are Jupiters bands visible with binoculars?
- Are matter and energy interchangeable?
- Are present and future perspectives different?
- Are relative velocities in std config equal in value?
- Are the following Sets: Open
- Are the non-physicist physics lovers here content?
- Are there assignments to gain trophy points?
- Are there astronomy competitions?
- Are there closed curve solutions for these ODE constraints?
- Are we training too many physicists?
- Are we wrong to try and unify quantum mechanics and relativity?
- Are Women More Emotional than Men?
- area of a window.
- Argument Essay Topics
- Arithmetic progression.. sum and nth term
- Artificial gravity
- As we move to the future
- asinx + bcosy into single trig function
- Asking a girl for coffee?
- Asking my Boss for Grad School Funding...
- Assessing a measurements precision
- Assigning cosine and sines for axes
- Assuming separability when solving for a Greens Function
- Asteroid 2004 BL86 and its small moon
- Asteroid 99942 Apophis
- Asteroid 99942 Apophis impacting the Earth in 2029
- Astronomy: Sun azimuth from altitude
- Astrophotography -- Best Telescopes?
- At what angle of force is Kinetic friction least?
- At what point can one be considered a physicist?
- Atlas on S^2
- atmosphere of the Hadean Era
- Attempts to explain quantum entaglement
- Aurora reliable data
- Aurora/Magnetosphere Physics PhD programs? (Texas)
- Auto-save feature bogs down web browser dramatically
- Average back emf
- average kinetic energy
- average kinetic energy of the molecules a cold liquid less?
- average kinetic energy of the molecules in a cold liquid less?
- Average velocity vector
- Axial flow synchronous machine modeling and smulation
- Baby its cold outside -- revived
- Balancing Normal Forces (Statics).
- Balancing weights (simpler version)
- Ball bearing selection
- Ball roll down from the top of a rough spherical dome
- Ball rolling on a larger ball on a surface
- Bandwidth Theorem
- bar moving through magnetic field
- Barn door tracker
- Barometric Leg to drain a slurry from a system under vacuum
- basic commutator of angular momentum
- Basic Diff. Eq. problem
- Basic GR questions
- basic questions
- Basic Questions on the Standard Model
- Basic Thermodynamics
- Basics for: Carbohydrates
- Basics of Fluid Mechanics and Pressure
- Basis and Dimension of Solution Space
- Basis of a Vector Space
- Basis of the solution space of a differential equation
- Bayes theorem
- Bayesian Network
- beams in equilibrium
- Beat frequency and velocity of observer
- Beautiful Maths book recommendations
- Beauty of old electrical and measuring things etc.
- Beginning a career after grad school
- Behavior of conductor
- Being a physicist + difficult life?
- Belgian RPV cracks
- Bells inequality for non-physicists
- Bending and welding Aluminium 2mm sections
- Bending of space and time
- Benzene in water adsorption test and GC without extraction?
- Bernoullis principle
- Best Book For Learning Basic Physics?
- Best degree to go into systems engineering?
- Best major to become operations research analyst?
- Best planetary composition for flight
- Best Programming courses
- Best Songs Ever 2
- Bianchi Identity
- Bicycle Leaning
- Big Bang and the singularity!
- Big Bang!
- Binary classification: error probability minimization
- Binneys interpretation of Violation of Bell Inequalities
- biological Machinery i.e. living pumps
- biomechanics problem. Have no idea
- Biophysics REU with no biology background
- Biot-savart law question
- Bisque Software for Astronomy SkyX
- BJT DC Analysis
- Black hole error when closing the preview window.
- Black hole horizon confusion
- Black hole solution for efe
- Black hole time dilation
- Black Hole Time Dilation And Obserevation Of Accretion
- Black Hole Time Dilation And Observation Of Accretion
- Black Holes
- Black holes in the globular cluster M22 with Dr. Tom Maccarone
- Block and spring on a weird track (roller coaster)
- Block diagonalization of a matrix
- Block on Incline
- Block pulled upward
- Body "falling" sideways
- Boko Haram Gunmen Kidnap Girls in Nigeria
- Bolt screw shear strength calculations
- Bolted Connection Loads
- Bond length
- Book/Books on elementary number theory
- Books for derivating
- Books on problem solving
- Boost DC-DC converter basics
- Bose condensation in a harmonic potential
- Bose Einstein condensation
- Bosuns Chair acceleration problem
- Bowdoin
- Box on Inclined Plane (with Friction)
- Box sliding down wall at constant speed
- Braggs Law Question
- Branching ratio and decays
- Bremsstrahlung Radiation
- Bridge Rectifier Circuit
- Browse unanswered threads is back!
- BS CS or BS Physics?
- BS-MS project topics
- Bs.physics(optics) or major in physics minor in C.S
- Bsc phy scholarship
- BU
- Bucket list - things to do
- Buckling plate
- Building a logic circuit from a truth table
- Building a tube
- Bulk Modulus and its derivative in a fcc lattice
- but for intuition?
- but Lake Erie has (almost)
- but why doesnt 1/x > 0?
- but why?
- C-D Nozzle - Mach No. >1 at Throat
- C# tutorial for beginning programmer
- C++ and pthread simple program help
- cable
- calculate dose and current
- Calculate Elastic Strain Energy in Solid State Physics
- Calculate elliptical orbit using attitude and velocity
- Calculate Excess Electrons
- calculate KE and Momentum
- Calculate moment of inertia of a L angle bent in a parabola
- Calculate tension of two cables
- Calculate the electric flux
- Calculate the Pitch of a projectile with moving destination
- Calculate torque for gearbox
- Calculating angle of lean on a motorbike on a banked curve
- Calculating change in linear position
- Calculating distance given total work?
- Calculating distributed parameters based on given Pi model
- Calculating Equations of Ellipses Within a Cone
- Calculating flow of air from explosive decrompression
- Calculating fuse size
- Calculating Gyroscopic Torque
- Calculating Kp for gas mixture from picture
- Calculating MC7805 parameters using datasheet.
- Calculating measurement probabilities for the CHSH game
- Calculating the Age of Planets without Radioactive Dating
- Calculating the angular momentum
- Calculating the center of gravity (hard version)
- Calculating The Fermi Energy - Condensed Matter Physics
- Calculating the force of a collision
- Calculating Torque around moving Centre of mass
- Calculating total bulk modulus of cylinder
- Calculating volume occupied by 1 equivalent of gas
- Calculating ΔH°rxn for a Reaction
- Calculation of B to l nu decay width
- Calculation of particles by integral
- Calculation of total ionization cross section
- Calculus AB Problem
- Calculus by Apostol Exercise 1.7
- Calculus by Spivak
- Calculus Michael Spivak 3th ed. Pag 46: Function as a rule
- Calculus Party
- calibration cosmic distance scale on age globular clusters
- Californian Earthquake predictions for the next 30 years
- calulate rapid prototyping stl build time
- Can a computer illiterate graduate in theoretical physics?
- Can a Model Rocket reach space?
- Can a radius of curvature be calulated from omega-k?
- Can a singularity expand in volume?
- Can bacteria nitrify ammonia if it is bonded to a base?
- Can Conservation of angular momentum be used?
- Can exhaust heat be used to reduce automotive drag?
- Can force or displacement be negative in the work equation?
- Can Holometer Null Result falsify LQG?
- can i make a 100% efficient device?
- Can i switch from computer science to computer engineering?
- Can massless states be used to build massive ones?
- Can Quantum Entanglement Be Blocked
- Can quantum particles meet ?
- can reflected light help generate electricity with a solar panel?
- Can someone explain what it is meant by a Flat Universe?
- Can someone explain what the speed force is?
- Can someone help me find a good scholarship for B.Sc phy?
- Can someone please explain this aspect of Interstella
- Can someone please explain this aspect of Interstellar
- Can spinning motion be converted into linear motion?
- can we pass a small hole?
- Can we prolong our lifespan and even achieve immortality?
- Can we say the Higgs is the originator of Time?
- Can white dwarfs have iron cores?
- Can you "condense" a magnetic field and use a precision magnetic "beam" for space travel?
- Can you answer this virtual photon paradox?
- Canada-U.S. temperature conversion chart:
- Cancer Therapy - Electromagnetic fields
- Cancer treatment with radiations.
- Candle Lit
- Canonical Transformations
- Cant figure out simple math problem
- Cant get this product of Lorentz matrices right -- help please
- Cant get this product of Lorentz matrices right! help!!
- Cant remember where I read this!
- Capacitance of a Spherical Capacitor?
- Capacitor
- Capacitor and Dielectric
- capacitors question no idea?
- Capillary Action
- Car crash scenario
- Car starting to move
- Career Change at age 30 Caution-Long Post
- career in Applied Physics
- Career in nuclear physics
- Career orientation - Mechanical Design Engineer
- Carl M. Bender (Advanced Mathematical Methods ...)
- Carleton
- Cartesian to polar unit vectors + Linear Combination
- Casimir effect
- CDF and PDF Calculations
- CE
- Cell size
- Center of Gravity problem
- Center of gravity/moment of inertia
- Center of Mass Using Triple Integrals Question
- Center of rotation of a free rod
- Central force w1/w2=√r2/r1
- Centrifugal force
- Centripal Force
- Centripetal Acceleration
- Centroid of Integral Area?
- Ceres at 1 lightsecond
- Ceres at 18800 km
- Ceres at 23500 km
- Ceres at 35800 km
- Ceres at 52000 km
- Ceres at 78000km
- CERN quark experiments
- Certifying Knowledge of Statistics
- Chain Rule of Differentiation
- chain rule product rule
- Chance for the public to name features on Pluto and Charon!
- change as the reaction proceeds?
- Change in mass
- Change overwrite cursor to insert TI-30x series
- Changing my major from marketing to physics
- Charge
- Charge and Voltage on Capacitors.
- Charge inside of Conducting Shell
- Charge On A Spherical Surface
- Charge on spherical conducting shells
- charged particles and directions
- Chat Groups?
- Chat trivia is back and with a prize!
- cheap and easy electric generator design
- Cheap gas again
- Check computer speed in Matlab
- Chemical potential
- Chemists learn more about how life started on earth?
- choice zeppelin vs. plane
- choked flow
- Choosing Graduate Advisor: Finding ones Interests
- Circle at speed of light
- Circuit Theory Question KCL and Dependent Sources??
- circuit to control the pulse width of digital signals
- circular loop with uniform magnetic field.
- Circular polarization and Read3D glasses
- Civilian Nuclear Engineer at Naval Shipyard
- Clarification about Poincarés conjecture
- Clarification on a topic in Apostols calculus text
- Classical Hall effect when current has neutral charge
- Classifying Exoplanets
- Clocks Within Each Ship in Bell Spaceship Paradox
- Closed
- Closed Universe - FRW Equation
- Clusters of non-vaccinated children
- Coefficient of Friction in a V-Belt System -- Torque Changes?
- Colby
- Collision and Impulse
- Collision problem
- collision sound
- Color Difference between Left and Right Eyes?
- color to frequency
- Coloured Pluto comes into view
- Column Names of VSOP87
- Combinatorics problem
- Combining special relativity with newtonian gravity
- Comet around sun
- Commensurable time periods
- Commutation relation
- Commutators and traces
- Compact
- Comparator of 2 bit numbers
- Comparing the current through multiple batteries
- Comparing the Energy Levels of Diatomic Molecules
- Comparing the wavefunction of single and entangled particle
- Comparison test
- Complete Induction Proof
- Complex Analysis: Series Convergence
- Complex Analysis: Theorem Name
- Complex Wave Orientation Correction
- component functions and coordinates of linear transformation
- components of a field perpendicular to a point on a surface
- Components of vectors (polar coordinates)
- composite function problem
- Compressed nitrogen v flow rate question
- Compressed sensing
- Computer revolution
- Computing an integral -any method
- Computing derivative (basic calculus question)
- Computing max tensile and compressive stress in a bar
- Computing trajectories in Schwarzschild spacetime
- Concentric Dielectric Shell
- Concept of limit
- Conceptual question
- confetti pieces clogging
- Confidence interval of two sample tests
- Confused about kinetic energy...
- Confusion About Notation with Tensors
- Confusion on entropy change calculations for irreversible process
- Confusion regarding Interference of light
- Confusion regarding signs in SHM problem
- Confusion: Fluctuation Theorem
- Connected
- Connected Capacitors
- Connection between Lorentz covariance and special relativity
- Connection between Pauli XYZ and spatial XYZ
- Connection needed to define derivative of a vector field?
- Connections between Linear and Rotational Quantities
- Consecuences of leaving a CS major for physics.
- Consequences of denser atmosphere on Earth-like planet
- Conservation of charge
- Conservation of current?
- conservation of energy and Poynting vecrot
- Conservation of energy in a capacitor
- conservation of energy question
- Conservation of energy with springs
- Conservation of Momentum and Relative Velocities
- Conservation of momentum in a system
- Conservation of momentum: throwing bricks
- conservative forces ?
- conservative forces?
- Constant acceleration
- Constant acceleration trajectory
- constrained motion
- Constraints on Inflation (Planck 2015 results XX)
- Constructing S^3 from a S^2 and a bunch of S^1s?
- Construction vs civil enigeering
- Constructive interference and energy conservation
- Continuing to Euclidean Space Justified in Path Integral?
- Continuity at a point implies continuity in the neighborhood
- Contradiction in thermodynamics problem?
- Control design for PWM converter
- Control Systems Engineering - Block Reduction Help
- Control Theory State-Space method with derivative input.
- Controling mirror movement with piezoelectric stage
- Convergence of infinite series (e^(1/n)-1)
- Convergence problem in ANSYS Workbench
- Convergent Subsonic Ramjet Utilizing Shockwave Compression
- Convert Prod of Sums to Sum of Prod
- Convert program to binary
- Converting intrinsic equation to cartesian
- Coriolis Force Along the Surface of the Earth
- Cornell
- Corrosion in metal pipe carrying DC current?
- Cosmologic "Chicken or Egg" query
- Cosmological Constant
- Could the expansion of space tear us apart?
- Counting characters in fortran
- Counting Wick ccontractions
- covarient maxwell
- covert tartaric acid to H2C2O4
- Crank-Nicolson Example
- Crazy Idea for Nuclear Waste Disposal
- Creating new algorithm like PID
- Creating pressure with hot plate
- Creating superimposed states in an Hydrogen Atom
- Creation and annihilation operators
- Creation of Time?
- Creation/Anhilation Operator Commutation Relation
- criteria for following
- Critical angle for a box to start moving on an incline
- Critical damping vs Overdamping
- Critical points and of polynomial functions
- Crush Valentines Day!
- Cryptography indexing the hash and primeality testing
- cultivating Amoebae gingivales
- Curiosity Question 1: Compression force from tension
- Curious mind here
- current and voltage in a circuit
- Current in Two Loops
- Current induced by magnet: maximize change in flux wrt time?
- Current on a spring to withstand a weight.
- Current required in a long wire
- Current state of grad programs in UK for US student
- current transformer for protection question
- Curved-space Maxwell equations by differential forms?
- Curves and tangent vectors in a manifold setting
- curvilinear motion of force-couple system
- Custom tick marks in matplotlib
- Cycling - forces in a chainring
- Cycling - forces in a chainring.
- Cylindrical cavity resonator problem
- d
- D.E. Linear equation with integrating factor
- Dalembert force and what the body "really" feels
- Dark energy and the Cosmological Constant
- Dark matter
- dark matter black hole
- Dark Matter Question
- data scrambler in simulink
- David Bohm Holographic Universe
- DC Arc Fault Detection Theory
- DC current
- De Broglie Wavelength at Relativistic velocity
- De Sitter space
- Dealing with creepy students as a TA
- Death date calculator
- decay problem
- Decline PhD programs and refer a friend
- Decoherence question
- Decompose wave packet into eigenvalues of L2
- decomposing angular velocity and moment of inertia
- Decomposition of a Carbonate
- Deep Inelastic Scattering
- Defer Grad Admission for more Undergrad Time?
- Define a steady state current...?
- Defining Light and Electromagnetism in simple layman terms
- Definite integral of greatest integer function
- definite integral problem
- definite integral question
- Deflection of light around a massive body
- Degree of Polynomial
- delayed choice question
- Delta T Analysis
- Dense exoplanet atmosphere
- Density function for a normal distribution
- Density LHC vs. Cosmic Rays
- Density of states
- Dependence of Phase Velocity on Wavelength
- Derivation of "heat" equation w/ diffusion and convection
- Derivation of Jefimenkos Equation in Jacksons EMT book
- Derivation of the Area Formula for Triangles Using Axioms
- Derivation of the Continuity Equation for Fluids
- Derivation of the equations of APF
- Derivative of a function in FORTRAN
- Derivative of natural log function questions
- Derivative of P(x) = 0.2 -0.125e^(0.005x) for X=1
- Derive equation for Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator
- Derive grad T in spherical coordinates
- Deriving Plancks law in terms of frequency from wavelength
- Deriving the Magnetic Field from a Magnetic Dipole
- Design a Logic Circuit
- Design an integrator
- design code for structural steel materials
- Design of a Gear Reducer for a Tractor
- Design the diode circuit
- Designing a compressed air vehicle
- Designing a Fantasy World - physics advice needed!
- Designing with Thermal expansion in mind
- Destructive interference Sound question
- Detached train cart
- Details of Renormalizations
- Detemining boson
- Determination of moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder
- Determine probabilities involving exponential distribution
- Determine the intensities of GaAs crystal planes
- Determine the Rate of Change of Pressure Across a Valve
- Determine work in circular motion
- Determine work on a spring.
- Determining Amplitude queries
- Determining Coefficient of Kinetic Friction w/m
- Determining speed and height on a roller coaster
- Determining the heat transfer co-eff. for heat sink fin
- Determining the magnitude?
- Determining the oscillations of an electron within a sphere
- Determining unknown Force
- Developments in Shape Dynamics
- Deviation of a gas from ideal gas behaviour
- Diagram That Contains All The Different Kind Of Physics?
- dicrete math math proof
- Did I make a mistake? Intl. student visiting grad schools
- Did space time be created at the Big Bang?
- Dielectric effects confined inside the dielectric material?
- Difference between Delta particles and protons and neutrons
- Difference between dye and pigment
- difference between emitter and collector?
- Difference between equivalence and equality
- Difference between integral calc and multivariable calc?
- Difference between phonon and electron excitation
- Difference between REF/RREF (Gauss vs Gauss-Jordan)?
- Differences between Boltzmann and Fermi-Dirac distributions
- Different orders for a phase transition (variable depending)
- different wheel diameter
- Differentiability in R2
- Differentiability of the absolute value of a function
- Differential equations and escape velocities
- Differential Equations in simple mechanics?
- Differential Forms
- Differential probe for power
- Differentials
- Differentiator/Integrator circuits: Op-amp vs RLC circuits
- Difficulties in the Computation of the Kretschmann scalar
- Difficulty solving the following quadratic equation
- Diffraction maxima
- Diffusion current
- digital vs analog info tx
- Digitizing Trigonometry
- Diophantine equations puzzle problem
- Dirac and Majorana spinors for neutrinos
- direction changes?
- Direction cosine matrix of rolling disk on circular ring
- Direction of a photon is fixed upon creation or observation?
- Direction of friction acting on a rolling object
- Direction of pressure in a Fluid
- Disabling Tablet Traits of windows 8.1: Touchscreen
- Disappeared science helpers
- disappearing terms in electrodynamics boundary conditions
- Discrete class D amplifier outputs low volume
- Discrete math proof
- discrete math question
- Disk with catch
- Distance of Jump
- Divergence of the Electric Field
- Divergence of vector field: Del operator/nabla
- Dividing the CLK frequency by 8
- division by zero
- Do diabetics have sugary interstitial fluid?
- Do electrons produce a constant magnetic field?
- Do FCC Structures only have a CN of 12?
- Do neutrinos and antineutrinos annihilate?
- Do relative velocities in std config equal in value?
- Do the brakes provide friction to tyres of bicycle/car?
- Do the Euler-Lagrange equations hold for a time-dependent V?
- Do we have a complete knowledge of the spectrum of light?
- Do you consider both regular and rotational kinetic energy?
- Do you have to be a genius to do nuclear/particle physics?
- DoE/SULI acceptances?
- Does a neutron star act like a big particle?
- Does a scale *display* weight or mass?
- Does an observers proper frame give a unique foliation?
- Does anyone own Numerical Methods by Laurene Fausett?
- Does definition of torsion depend upon the metric signature?
- Does density affect sinking speed?
- Does electromagnetic radiation actually carry kinetic energy
- Does electromagnetic radiation actually carry kinetic energy?
- Does every curve have a function?
- Does gravity affect a magnetic/electric field?
- Does increasing the frequency of an antenna require energy?
- Does ionic crystals have total electric dipole moment?
- Does kinetic energy increase the inertial mass?
- Does light reach every single part of space?
- Does quantization always work?
- Does space-time have an energy itself?
- Does standing tiptoes reduce the absortion of virabtions?
- Does the expansion of the universe effect grav forces?
- Does the Higgs Boson exist?
- Does the human calculator stuff really work?
- Does the space industry hire mathematicians?
- Does time expand along with space?
- Doing a Count in Access 2013 Query. How to?
- Doing Physics instead of Medicine. Am I messing up?
- Dont know how if the rule meter will be titled or not
- Double Atwood machine
- DOUBLE cannot convert the input expression into double array
- Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates
- Double majoring with physics?
- Double Shear stress on a bolt
- Double slit experiment and Interaction
- double slit question
- Double slit questions
- Double Valve Spring
- Doubt about a answer on a test
- Doubts about nebulae and star formation
- Drag and Lift Sensors for a Subsonic Wind Tunnel
- Drawing and meshing involute bevel gears in CAD
- Drawing the DC Model of a Circuit
- Drawing three cards - combined probability
- Drawing up a liquid by forward motion of a tanker
- Drift in river boat problems
- Drift velocity (Electricity)
- drilled crank shaft
- Drive Died... (arcing between pins on the PCBA)
- Drumstick rebound.
- Dumb What kind of Object is My PC/This PC in Windows 8.1?
- dynamic mass/spring/damper
- Dynamics assignment
- E-field of cylindrical conductor above infinite ground plane
- E=cB and electromagnetic energy density
- E=hf as energy of a particle (other than photon)
- Early CMB temperature?
- Earmans "lost socks and green slime"
- Earth and moon barycenter question.
- Earth-Asteroid collision problem
- Earths Inner-Inner Core
- Earths rotation related to atmospheric motion
- Economics NPV Problem
- Ed Witten interview
- Eerily Accurate Free Personality Analysis (Myers-Briggs)
- Effect of a spring on equations of motion
- Effect of Time Dilation on Visual Observations
- Effects of emitter capacitor in the BJT CE amplifiers
- Effects of Intermolecular Forces?
- Effects of speedup capacitor.
- Efficient aluminum foil heat transfer design
- Efficient Neutron Sources
- Effusion
- Egg Drop
- Ehrenfest paradox
- eigenvalues of operator in dirac not* (measurement outcomes)
- Eigenvectors of Inertia tensor
- Einstein Equation
- Einstein equation Quick Question
- einstein field equation
- Einsteins later thoughts on EPR
- Elaborate reference on Wave motion
- Elastic Limit
- Elastic scattering of WIMPs off nuclei
- Elecrtostatic discharge
- Electric and magnetic fields
- Electric charges
- Electric dipole moment for a uniformly charged ring
- Electric Displacement (Gausss Law)
- Electric field above a circular loop
- Electric Field above a cylindrical shell w/ charge density
- Electric field at specific point
- Electric field due to a distributed charge over a ring
- Electric Field from Maxwells Equations
- Electric field of a semi circle ring
- Electric field on a point around a finite wire
- Electric Field problem
- Electric Fields through dielectrics
- Electric Potential and Electric Potential E changes
- electric potential at center of semicircle
- Electric Potential Difference
- Electric Potential Energy
- Electric Potential Energy and Sign
- Electric potential of hollow conducting sphere
- Electrical Conductivity of Copper
- Electrical Engineering (Cascoded Amplifiers)
- Electrical Impedance
- Electrical neutrality in radioactive decay
- Electrical Properties of R11
- Electricity and total current
- Electricity. What kind of current should I use?
- electrodynamics
- Electrolysis System Work and Real Gas Law
- Electromagnet to attract small iron pieces
- Electromagnetic force
- Electromagnetic force in different inertial frames
- Electromagnetic induction
- Electromagnetic Repulsion
- electron acceleration in its lowest orbit
- Electron Capture and Coulombs Law
- Electron recoil due to photon emission
- Electron recoil due to photon emssion
- Electron shape
- Electron traveling between two plates. Electric Fields?
- Electronic engineering bachelor
- Electronic Steam Tables Programs
- Electrons and gases
- Electrons and the Double Slit experiment questions
- Electrons trajectory in positively charged hollow cylinder
- Electrostatic force question
- Electrostatics and electric shocks
- Electrostatics Basics -- 2 plastic balls hanging on threads attract each other...
- Elliptical Orbits In The Schwarzschild Metric
- EM wave interacting with refelcting surface
- EM waves generated by an oscilating dipole phase difference
- EM waves in *Real* life
- Email Notifications?
- embed image into post
- Emission radiance in participating media
- Emitting vs. Reflecting
- Energies of interaction
- Energy balance. Physical interpretation of Q
- Energy conservation and periodic motion
- Energy conservation in Special Relativity
- Energy Content of Steam: Variation with Pressure
- Energy gained from induced current
- Energy Help Advanced Level Help.
- Energy stored in two loops of current
- Energy units in the potential well problem
- Energy-first approach to introductory physics
- Energy-mass equivelance and the Higgs field
- Energy-momentum tensor radiation-dominated universe.
- Engineering
- Engineering help
- Engineering or Physics internship?
- Engineering technician...good career choice? For sure
- engines aggragated technical data for a presentation
- entangled particle through double slit
- Entanglement and Bell’s inequality Question
- Entanglement as the fabric of space-time?
- Enthalpy of reaction calculation?
- Entropy change of van der Waals gas expansion
- entropy change question
- Entropy definition
- Environmental Chem Homework
- EOM for Pendulum hanging from spring
- EPFLs claim about wave particle duality.
- Epicalyx and sepal
- Epsom Salts browning when dehydrating - burning or normal?
- Equation of motion for a rotational mass and spring system
- Equations of motion for a fixed-height inverted pendulum
- Equatios of motion
- Equilibrium and torque problem
- Equilibrium at Universe (possible?)
- Equilibrium of Particles
- Equilibrium position of a charge between other 2 charges
- Equilibrium problem - Vertical beam
- Equivalence Principle Test Kits
- Equivalence relation
- Equivalent Resistance in series-parallel circuit
- error in angular magnification calculation
- Error propagation - partial derivative?
- Error propagation for a sum of means
- Escape velocity for Saturn (Introductory Mechanics)
- Essential classes for physics major?
- Estimates of the remainder in Taylors theorem
- Estimating Milky Way Absolute Magnitude
- Etanglement and Bells Inequality question
- etc?
- etc.
- ethical?
- Euler and the youth of mathematicians
- Eulers Formula Proof
- Evaluating indication of the wattmeter in three-phase system
- even or odd
- Every nonnegative real has an nth root proof
- everyone
- Everything engine building
- Evolution toward a white dwarf
- Excess electrons
- Exercise proofreading about Fourier Series
- Exercise: who does more work weight lifter/marathon runner
- Expanding balloon analogy?
- Expansion of bubble
- Expectation value of 1/(1+x)
- Expectation value of the square of Momentum
- Experience with flipping your classroom
- Experimental Black Hole Physics
- Explain delayed choice quantum eraser without consciousness
- explaining equation to stem class
- Explanation of Torque in the precession of a top.
- Express a series in sigma notation
- Expressing electric field in cylindrical coordinates.
- Extended Surfaces (Fins) Adiabatic Tip
- Extension of measure on sigma-algebra
- Extinction Spectrum?
- extra courses for going from M.Eng to Physics
- extra courses for physics grad school after Mech.Eng?
- Extremely high current generators
- Extremely large Black Hole discovered 900M years after BB
- factorizing determinants and rules to simplify them
- Failed first mathematical methods test
- falling pot
- Fan Descender Design Project
- Fat Tails
- Feedback and equilibrium between black holes and galaxies
- feeling burnt out
- Feeling inadequate
- Feeling insignificant after watching space movies
- FEM software
- Fermi energy in metals approximately doubling
- Fermi level concept
- Fermi-Dirac distribution
- Feynman Diagrams
- Feynmans discoveries?
- Fiber Bragg Gratings Reflection Co-efficient
- Fiber bundles
- Fiber optic loop
- Fiber Optics Materials
- fiber to the premises-- FTTP
- Field effect transistors question
- Field effect transistors question.
- Figure management in Matlab
- Figuring out largest load it can hold
- Figuring out wavelength
- Filling chamber air dynamics
- Finally
- find a combination of n and m
- Find a point which satisfies 3x+2y+z=6 and x+4y+3z=3
- Find all orthogonal 3x3 matrices of the form...
- find angular magnification
- Find area under a decay curve if half life is increasing
- Find both the internal resistance of a battery and EMF
- Find components of an E field perpendicular to a point
- Find elements of a matrix such that its determinant is zero
- Find F(7) and F(a^2-2) (a≥2) -- Simplify....
- Find F(7) and F(a^2-2) (a≥2). Simplify.
- find frequency of electromagnetic waves
- Find Initial value such that solutions go to -infinity
- Find Inverse of a Function
- Find potential of a ball inside a grounded shell
- Find Re(z)
- Find tension as a vector on point A and point B
- Find the actual sum of a fourier series at a given point
- Find the curvature?
- Find the electrostatic force
- Find the equation of the tangent plane
- Find the force of friction provided by the floor
- Find the Magnitude of the Magnetic Field in a moving loop
- Find the maximum value of this complex function
- find the open circuit voltage for the RC circuit
- Find the pattern: 12
- Find the transition probability
- Find theta angle in complex form
- Finding a basis of a space
- Finding angle between vectors
- Finding angle required for equilibrium on a slope
- Finding average angle in kinetic theory of gases
- Finding Div and Curl of a Vector Field then evaluating a pt
- Finding E Field at Point from non uniform charge density
- finding lens information
- Finding limitations for matrix
- Finding mass from moment of inertia graph - inconsistency?
- Finding mass of a meter stick using torque
- Finding mass of acetyl salicylic acid in aspirin tablet
- Finding particulate matter emissions
- Finding period of any type of function
- Finding poles for cauchys residue theorem.
- Finding potential difference in a very long hollow cylinder
- Finding potential to satisfy SE
- Finding Real Zeros
- Finding Resonant Frequency
- Finding subpages without links
- Finding tensor in QED
- Finding the center of mass
- Finding the coefficient of static friction on an inclined pl
- Finding the current Io for t>0 in a RL circuit
- Finding the exact value of a summation.
- Finding the force in a Simple Harmonic Lattice
- Finding the magnitude?
- Finding the members of the Lie algebra of SO (n)
- Finding the orthonormal basis for cosine function
- Finding the scalar equation of a plane
- Finding two possibilities of depth when volume is given?
- Finding vapour pressure using compressibility chart
- Finite difference method nonlinear PDE
- Finite solutions of Brocard’s problem
- Finite T transverse magnetization of transverse Ising chain
- Finnaly
- First Derivative
- First experience with an NPN BJT
- First Interstellar paper is out
- First Order ODE
- First photograph of light as both a particle and wave
- Fitting a model to astronomical data
- Fitting an ellipse through 3-d data
- Fitting bacterial growth curve in Prism
- Fitting distribution to histogram with low number of counts
- Fixed point iteration
- Fixing hazards in a logic expression.
- flat / curved space metric component dependence on spacetime different locations?
- Flat plate heat exchanger - Hand calculations help
- flat/ curved space metric component dependence on spacetime different locations?
- flat/ curved space metric component dependence on st diff?
- Floating Earth Faults
- Floor Loading of a structure....
- Flow rate/pressure in a venturi
- Flow Through a Tube
- Fluid problem -- Piston moving in an oil-filled cylinder...
- Fluid problem!
- Fluids - Darcys Law
- Fluke Recommendation
- flux diode
- Flux Direction effect on Saturation
- Flux of Circuit made from Metal Bar on Parallel Rails
- Flux Through a Non-Concentric Sphere
- For animal lovers
- For dog and puppy lovers
- For kitten lovers
- Force
- Force applied? I think
- Force between polar molecule and an ion
- Force Field to Motion Equation
- Force generated at caliper bracket while braking
- Force of Big Bang
- Force require to move water through a pipe?
- Force required to change direction
- Force required to hold a fire hose
- Force to raise a cylinder over an edge
- Forces and Laws of Motion
- Forces and Newtons Laws
- Forces on an Object
- Forgetting things you have learnt in previous years
- formula for Helmholtz Coil with a finite thickness?
- Fortran - passing unknown array to subroutine
- Fortran array help
- Fortran Complex Exponential
- Fortran If help
- Fortran intersection of arrays
- Fortran:store loop value in array
- Four Hour Debate
- Fourier and Hilber transform??
- Fourier Series and orthogonality
- Fourier Series Homework (Discontinuous Function)
- Fourier Transform
- Fourier transform - why we need it?
- Fourier Transform and hilber transform
- Fouriers method
- free
- Free Body Diagram
- Free Energy Using Basic Rules Of Electricity
- Free Physics Books
- Freedom of speech and pseudoscience
- Freezing point depression
- Freezing Water with Nitrogen.
- Frequency dependence of gravitational acceleration
- Frequency of moving source
- Frequency of sound waves from vibrating wire
- Frequency oscillations and Plancks constant
- friction and forces
- Friction and Pulley
- Friction and Pulleys
- Friction is a Scalar
- Friction query
- Frobenius Solution to 2xy +5y -4xy = 0 at x = 0
- from not obvious to obvious?
- from observable to operators in QFT
- from Portugal!
- From which books of Mechanic Materials are these images?
- FRW metric in higher dimensions (fast question?)
- FRW. Dark energy
- FTL Communication using entanglement
- Fun
- function and function
- Function expression
- Function notation and shifting functions
- function of an accumulator with a pump
- Functional Derivatives
- Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- Funny pictures of politics and world affairs
- Galilei and speed
- gas fired water heater - sizing
- Gas Laws Problem
- Gate drivers for IGBT inverter: How to isolate V supplies?
- Gauge invariance of electroweak lagrangian
- Gauss law and parallel plates
- Gauss Law and SHM
- Gausss Law (Differential Form)
- Gausss Law and SHM
- General loop the loop problem...
- General physics books?
- General Relativity - Deflection of light
- Generalized Dirac Equation for All Fermions?
- Genetic algorithm
- Genetic Algorithms
- Geometric Optics Proof
- Germanwings 9525 Crash in French Alps
- get confused about time dilation
- Getting into data science from computational physics?
- Getting to Habitable Exoplanets
- Getting worse at mental arithmetic
- Getting xodeint from numerical recipes to work in dev-c++
- Gibbs Enery
- Gibbs free energy and equilibrium constant at a high T
- Girlfriend asks going out while Im busy with my mind
- Given Moment about a Pin and a Roller
- Given T-symmetry
- Glashow resonance (UHE neutrinos)
- Globular cluster ejected from M87
- Gluconeogenesis = fat or protein breakdown?
- Gold And Silver
- good absorber = good emitter?
- good physics books
- Good references for quantum spin chains
- Got asked
- GPA Requirements
- Grad F of a level curve?
- Grading curve ever surprise you?
- Graduate Internship Decision
- Graduate Physics student not sure what hes doing
- graduate space physics programs
- Grams of solute needed to lower vapor pressure of solvent?
- Graph sol. of Dirac eq.
- Graphene Information
- Gravitational collapse
- Gravitational Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation
- gravitational equations used in model of orbiting bodies
- Gravitational fields
- gravitational force inside a sphere
- Gravitational redshift
- Gravitational waves in cosmology?
- Gravity applies
- Gravity from entanglement
- Gravity instantaneous?
- Gravity of Earth combined with centripetal force
- Gravity on a trip to the moon
- Gravity vs perfect vacuum
- Grease supply to 4 seals with different pressure gradients
- Great Book for Physics
- Great physics jokes (pictures)
- Green Woodpecker and Weasel
- Greenhouse effect and earths surface temperature
- Greens Function - modified operator
- Greeting a Tinder date (and other related issues)
- Greetings from Surrey!
- ground state quantum no even-even odd-odd
- Group Velocity Dispersion
- group velocity of a wavepacket vs its mean phase velocity
- guessing decay modes
- Guidance in my quest for knowledge and understanding
- guidance needed
- guys.
- Gyrocompass motion: Zero torque in the free axis
- Haags Theorem in QFT
- Hacks
- Haiiii peeps
- Hair dryer thermal energy
- Half Wave-Plate: measurement contradicting theory
- Hand Water Pump Mechanics
- Hard Science Fiction
- Hard to find some threads
- harmonic oscillator in Heisenberg picture
- Harness energy from temp. difference between Earth and space
- Harnessing Radio Waves Project
- Have you ever met anyone off this forum before?
- Having extremely hard time letting go (serious viewers only)
- Having trouble with some problems in my homework -- Balls being rolled and tossed
- Hawking radiation prevents event horizon crossing?
- Hawking radiation question
- Health concern about lead on components
- Heart rate vs. calorie burn
- Heat dissipation in wires
- Heat Exchanger Design Project
- heat flow
- heat properties
- Heat time of steel in Watts
- Heat transfer
- Heat Transfer - Void Space Dynamic Insulation
- Heat transfer and surface area of a pipe
- Heat transfer from body through layers
- Heat transfer from flame in pipe
- Heat transfer radiation
- Heat transmission calculation
- heat unstable
- Heating a metallic rod from one end by continuous heat flux
- Heating a metallic rode from one end by continuous heat flux
- Height and horizontal distance of a projectile
- Height of Slope? Mass unknown
- Heists
- helicity flip for neutrinos
- Hell hasnt frozen over
- hello
- Hello all!
- Hello Beautiful World
- Hello everybody
- Hello Everyone
- Hello everyone!
- hello for starters...I have a question about water/elec
- Hello from Saskatchewan
- Hello PF
- Hello physics people
- Hello there..Im a Research studnt ..need ur help
- hello world
- Hello world changers
- Hello World!!
- Hello! Left my unfulfilling IT career for engineering :)
- hello. new member. greetings
- Helmholtz Coil Question
- help calculating moments for a small crane-like machine
- Help identify traits for Engineering Vs Research
- HELp in Calculus
- Help interpreting schematic with relay
- Help me design an attendance process for lectures
- Help me identify problem
- Help me setup and solve double integral in polar coord.
- help needed
- Help needed for simulink
- HELP NEEDED: Need to Purchase a Universal Testing Machine
- Help on a tension related question?
- Help on a torque question
- Help please -- Problem of hydrostatics force in flat surfaces
- Help please in matlab -- plotting a DAlembert wave equation
- Help proving if a system is LTI?
- Help to understand reversibility in galvanic cell
- Help understanding flow of electricity
- Help with a troublesome integral
- Help with distance running formula
- Help with First Order Differential
- Help with gauge symmetry
- Help with high school class selection...
- Help with prototype
- help with radioactive decay
- Help with radius of curvature and refractive index of lens
- Help with this please! (Temperature/Pitch question)
- Help with trig identities
- Help with view factors
- Help with water pump calculations
- Help? make o/w emulsion
- Helpful courses outside of the physics degree requirements
- Helping creating a few good topic sentences
- Here are some astrophotos Ive taken lately
- Hey Everyone!
- Hey there
- Hey there!
- Hey there! Would appreciate some help...
- Hi
- Hi All! I am wondering whether physics is for me...
- Hi can you help me in solving this from coordinate geometry?
- Hi everybody
- Hi everyone!
- Hi folks!
- Hi from Venezuela
- Hi there
- Hi there!
- Hi There! I am looking for great connections with you all.
- Hi! . . . have I finally found the right place?
- Hi. New Member
- hi/ho problem! -- Lens magnification
- Higgs potential energy
- Higgs-Z ditau decays
- High redshift galaxies in the HUDF
- Higher Order ODES
- Hilberts sixth problem
- Hillary Clinton Running for President
- History of Data Analysis?
- Hodge duality and differential forms
- Hodge duality and some properties
- Holding up a sign
- Homemade Supercapacitor Capacitance test -- Help Please
- Homework Help on Kirchoffs Laws and Magnetic Induction
- Honda Africa twin
- Horrendous SAT difficulty level in English?
- Horsepower and Acceleration logic?
- horsepower needed to lift 600 lb load
- hour angle
- Hover above the moon
- How 2 calc force required to steer an articulated vehicle?
- How a Battery Works?
- How a current buffer transistor cancels the early effect.
- How analog computers work?
- How best to warm a cold attic
- How big does a magnet need to be to move X amount of KGs
- How can I adjust and fix the angle of a hatch?
- how can i find the coefficient of kinetic friction?
- How can I improve my writing posture?
- How can I learn Physics and the necessary Mathematics?
- How can I remove steam from exhaust gases?
- How can I replicate conditions on pin on disc test
- How can light absorbing material absorb for ever?
- How can light absorbing material absorb forever?
- How can one know what he/she is good at?
- How can physics tie into 20th century European history?
- How can we calculate universe diameter at a given time
- How cathode is positively charged in voltaic cell?
- How centripetal force is created?
- How did Coulomb charge his spheres to verify Coulombs law?
- How did Maxwells theory predict that c is constant?
- How did we get the formula for torque?
- How do I arrest a rotation at any angle
- How do I become a better student?
- How do i calculate an objects velocity along a vector?
- How do I calculate the angle of rotation?
- How Do I Determine the Change in Entropy of the System?
- How do I figure out the change in enthalpy?
- How do I represent this sine function?
- How do I simplify this?
- How do I use proof by contradiction to show that a concave function is always increasing?
- How do people obtain the math for theoretical physics?
- how do sacrificial electrodes work?
- How Do Spinors Fit in With Differential Geometry
- How do X-ray Binaries Form in Black Holes?
- How do you chart the fourth dimension on a 3d plane?
- how do you get 2 wires on AC out of phase by 180 degrees?
- How do you make a glofish?
- How do you seperate iron from clay?
- How does a catalyst effect equilibrium?
- How does a magnetic field affect an electrical field
- how does clay pot cool water
- How does enthalpy change
- How does GPS correct for time dilation
- How does length affect the bending of a horizontal beam?
- How does light slide sideways?
- How does regularity of curves prevent "cusps"?
- How does split step Fourier method help four wave mixing ??
- How does the circuit in a stun gun produce high DC voltage
- How does the TV know
- How does Time expand?
- How does uncertainty apply to an electrons magnetic moment measurement?
- How does uncertainty apply to electron mag mom measurement?
- How does VLBI work?
- How far bullet travels in 2
- How good is HCN addition to aromatic conjugated aldehyde?
- How important is an internship for a non-traditional student
- How important is quantum theory to cosmology/astrophysics?
- How is enthalpy not directily measurable?
- how is the head-flow curve dependant on reynolds number
- How is this H+ ion bonded when NAD becomes NADH +H+ ?
- How is this solution derived?
- How is this sound generated? / reverse engineer sound
- How long must concrete slab cure before anchoring equipment?
- How many electrons make up a charge of -90.0μC ?
- How many elements in a hand-full of sand ?
- How many hours
- How many languages can you speak?
- how much does the raft move with change of position?
- How much energy does light transfer to an object?
- How much energy is used in heating water?
- how much gs creates a 100 lbs punch to the head?
- How much power does my car actually need to maintain speed?
- How much should my tax return be?
- How much the gas has increased the speed of the plug?
- How old is i? (Imaginary number)
- How should I select a Calculus class?
- How should I think about the emf?
- how the atmosphere pressure is generated
- How to analyze band structure and the density of states?
- How to approximate the rate of growth of an integer seq?
- How to approximate the rate of growth of an integer sequence?
- How to arrange/draw circuit diagram from fixed resistances
- How to arrange/draw circuit diagram from fixed resistances t
- How to avoid capillary action
- How to avoid lab during PhD thesis writing
- How to be fast in reading and understanding ?
- How to be fast in reading and understanding?
- How to become a math tutor
- How to calc force required to steer an articulated vehicle?
- How to calculate efficiency of Newtons Method
- How to calculate equation system in Matlab
- how to calculate equivalent inertia of an engine?
- How to calculate magnetic vector potential?
- How to calculate the angles that define the position your arm is in
- How to charge a low amperage battery?
- How to classify coordinate as S-L
- How to control the speed of 1.5 Volt motor?
- How to counter "everything is a construct" worldview?
- How to create game that renders 3D objects fast?
- how to design a rpm and torque indicator from a fan?
- How to draw a curve in Creo that is defined by an equation?
- How to drop terms in a Lagrangian?
- How to entangle nearly 3000 atoms using a single photon
- How to explain the overdetermination of Maxwells equations
- How to find a point on line of intersection of 2 planes?
- How to find Coefficient of Friction w/ Fa and mass?
- How to find moment at a certain point?
- How to find the shortest distance to a hyperboloid
- How to find the total dB of two sounds?
- How to find the Wronskian on Ti-89?
- How to generate a pulsed signal on a function generator?
- How to get rid of laplace of pressure in an equation
- How to get specific frequency and time values for .wav file
- How to identify the curve at intersection of level surfaces
- how to make liquid nitrogen
- How to measure mass of earth
- How to number nodal and anti nodal lines
- How to photograph a diffraction pattern?
- how to plot band structure?
- How to prove Kirchhoffs loop rule?
- How to prove problem is P or NP?
- How to quantify relatively simple experimental errors
- How to quickly survey an exoplanet before colonization?
- How to relate mass defect to kinetic energies?
- How to show an equation with nth number of iterations
- How to simplify behavior of a field-effect transistor
- How to Solve Exponents that also has a variable with it
- How to solve for a function that is asymptotic to a sequence
- How to solve for b in a= b mod q
- How to solve for first integrals of motion
- how to solve Riccati equation for nonlinear system
- How to split up a photon-neutron beam?
- How to stop worrying about your exam?
- How to switch on and off capacitance on a piece of conducting material?
- How to test a 1.5 pound magnesium anode
- How to test a coil for shorts?
- How to tune two different PID controllers in a same model?
- How We (US) Lost in Iraq and Afghanistan
- How were early galaxies formed?
- how would neutrinos affect fusion?
- Howdy
- Howdy yall!
- Hub
- Hydraulic motor torque for a home-built flight simulator
- hydraulic pump/motor
- Hydrostatic Pressure on Curved Circular Surface
- Hyperbolic tangent function for terminal velocity with v0>vt
- Hyperbolic tangent function for terminal velocity with Vo>Vt
- Hyperloop - essentially new transport
- Hypotheses construction for significance testing
- Hypothesis: Can a photon be predicted where it will hit?
- Hypothetical FTL communication black-boxes and causality
- I am confused about how multivariable calc works
- I am thinking of switching from a Physics BS to a Math BS
- I can has introducshun?
- I have an incorrect solution
- I need help - motor speed control
- I Need Help Finding a Job!
- I need to transpose for the value of Q
- I say a big thank you :)
- I want to design Missiles for the navy what should i study
- I want to teach "Measurement" to grade schoolers
- ID Harmonic Oscillator in a Consent Electric Field
- Ideal gas law combined with vapor pressure
- Ideal Gas Law Question
- Ideal opamp analysis
- Ideal Step-up transformer
- identity by using gradient
- Identity of a Weak Acid
- IE Irodov equivalent for Maths ?
- If f(z) that f(z) is constant.
- If for n-dimensions f>=0
- If Ford had developed technology like Microsoft........
- If space cannot be compressed
- If T unitary show H hermitian (and the reverse)
- If we can move at the speed of light
- If You Could Tour The Solar System At The Speed Of Light!
- Im a very noob undergrad
- Im having trouble "reading" math
- Im having trouble understanding Lorentz transforms
- im mew here.
- Im Milan from Bosnia!
- Im new
- Im not sure I want to go into the field Im going into
- image and kernel of a matrix
- Imagine you were spinning in space
- Imagine you were to stop the Hubble Telescope from orbiting
- Implementing Trapezoidal Motion Profile Using Discrete Method
- implication
- Implicit Differentiation: Differentiating in Terms of X
- Importance of the frequency of AC mains power lines
- Impossibilty of hidden variables (Bohm
- Improving PC Performance by removing Services but without deleting restore points
- Impulse and Collisions
- Impulse Problem
- In Gibbs Free Energy
- In quite the predicament as a new TA
- In Search of Causal Relationships
- In what way is "dark energy" more than "none of the above"?
- In what ways do high altitudes affect speed of sound?
- Incentives Question
- Incident Angle
- Inclined Plane
- Inclined plane and pulley: how to know the accelerations direction
- Increase of dark energy with expansion of universe
- Independence of Energy and Momentum Conservation
- independently of G
- Index Notation - Quick one-line working
- Indian Institute of technology for astrophysics
- indirectly measure if particle spin is in superstate or not?
- Induced current from changing magnetic field
- Induced EMF
- Induced tension magnetic field (B)
- Induction and flux linkage clarification
- Inequalities. Special relativity.
- Inequality - Maybe not so bad?
- Inertia effects of components on a car vs mass fixed in car
- infimum)
- Infinite sum of sines
- Infinite well potential - changed bottom
- Influence of Sun to radioactive decays?
- Information as the key underlying physical principle
- Initial development of set theory and determinism in QM
- Inmendhams DraftScience + Vloggerdome Invitation
- Inside protons: origin of the sea quarks
- Instantaneous Acceleration from a Velocity-Time graph
- Insulin Resistance and Cell Signaling
- Integral curve fitting in origin
- Integral Equations - Greens Function
- Integral of (x-1)/(x^2-4x+5)
- integral of cos(1/x)
- Integral Over all Space for Charge Density - Exponential Fun
- Integral regulator MC7805
- Integral with sine(x) and x multiplied
- integrals of the function f(z) = e^(1/z) (complex analysis)
- Integrate 1/x^2+80x+1600
- Integrating factor vs. Laplace. Engineering problems
- Integrating Net Force
- Integrating Using a Substituation
- Integration of Multiple Variables
- Integration using Euler Substitution
- Integration using substitution
- Integration Using Trigonometric Substitution...Help Needed!
- Interaction with Fields
- Interesting article about dark matter
- Interesting Derivative Proof Question
- Interference viewed in the focal plane
- internal combustion engine -- improving the efficiency
- Internal Energy Change
- Internal Force Diagram for Rigid Body and Distributed Load
- Interpretation of differentiation results
- Introduction to Electrostatics -- Positive charges at the corners of a triangle...
- Introduction to Numbertheory
- Introductory mathematical induction problem
- Introductory textbooks for Supersymmetry?
- Intuition and existence for convex neighbourhoods
- Intuitive content of Loop Gravity-Rovellis program
- Inverse of a cubic matrix
- Inverse Piezoelectric Effect
- Inverse Solubility of Solid Solutes
- Inverted V Tail Simulation
- Iraqi unrest
- is "explicit modeling" strict subset of parametric CAD?
- Is "Roswell metal" at all a possible material?
- Is "Western thought" primarily Aristotelian or Platonic?
- Is 4GB of VRAM overkill for 1080p gaming?
- Is a bachelor in Physics a good idea for Engineering?
- Is a math degree worth it
- Is anyone investigating about High Energy Physics?
- Is Cosmology a Branch of Physics or Astronomy?
- Is electrical engineering just rote memorization? Or am I
- Is energy conserved?
- is f positive or negative
- Is gravity really weak?
- Is it common for physicists to trash data?
- is it possible to have zero velocity and zero acceleration?
- Is it possible to scientifically discuss the dream world?
- Is it possible to stop time completely?
- is it possible to take off like the birds?
- Is it possible to understand GR and SR on your own ?
- Is it worth studying geometry during my summer?
- Is it worth taking notes for physics/math courses?
- Is Loop Quntuam gravity plausible formulation of quantum gra
- Is Loop Quntuam gravity plausible formulation of quantum gravity
- Is magnifying thermal power density possible with decay heat
- Is medical physics a good career option?
- Is my blue the same as your blue ?
- Is My Idea Valid? Nuclear Fusion Power
- Is my understanding about energy correct?
- Is polarised light a result of destructive interference?
- Is propeller pitch more related to RPM than aircraft speed?
- Is sl(3
- Is the collapse of the particle wave function?
- Is the difference of two state functions a state function?
- Is the force that keeps the Earth spinning...
- Is the graviton the only thing to find in LQG?
- Is the Kronecker delta linear?
- Is the speed of light truly constant?
- Is the The National Academy of Future Scientists ... legit?
- Is the Universe deterministic?
- is the universe truly expanding?
- Is the wave function the invariant thing?
- Is there a limit to wind power?
- Is there a relationship between amplitude response and phase?
- Is there a see-through material with low outgassing rate?
- Is there any hope that textbook prices will ever drop?
- Is there any refined experimental result on flux quantum?
- Is there any scope for an Electronics and Telecom Engineer?
- Is there even a scientific reason for this...
- Is there such thing as one bit of information?
- Is this possible for hanging objects from spinning sphere?
- Is this question on heat right?
- Is this quote from Steven Weinberg right?
- Is torture a game?
- is true?
- Ising Model and Partition FUnction
- Isochoric Process with Unknown Ideal Gas
- Isoparametric Formulation; its elementary
- Issue with building a full-bridge Inverter
- Issue with radiated field
- IV curve for voltage across shunt for probe current
- IV curve for voltage across shunt for probe current (Helimak experiment)
- Japan Earthquake: nuclear plants part 2
- Java: Reading in file into an array
- Job Interview Advice
- John Podestas greatest regret - government silence on UFOs
- John Wheeler Biography?
- Joint density function
- Joule thief : number of turns around the ferrite core
- just got external funding! what now?
- Just how strong is the Air pressure
- Just trying to complete new member info.
- K-Maps Prime Implicates and Essential Minterms
- KCl and node voltages
- Killing Earth with a cosmic flashlight
- Killing tensor/vector very basic context question about consevation
- kinematic question Pls help
- Kinematics in polar coordinates
- Kinematics in Two Dimensions
- Kinematics Question
- Kinetic Theory of Gases Derivation
- Kinetics question: calculating rate constants
- Kirchhoffs law in LC circuit
- Kirchoffs law question
- Klein Gordon Equation in Quintessence Models
- Klien-Gordon equation to solve 4-vector problem ? (Particle)
- Koenigsegg Regera - acceleration
- kronig-penney model
- Lack of physical understanding of Noethers theorem.
- Lagrange EOM for 2 masses on a string
- Lagrange equation: when exactly does it apply?
- Lagrange Multipliers
- Lagrange remainder theorem
- Lagrangian and hamiltonian mechanics
- Lagrangian for released double pendulum
- Lagrangian invariance
- Lagrangian Problem
- Laplaces s equation in spherical coordinates
- Laptop Decision Help
- Laptop hard drive turning on and off
- Large crater in Siberia
- Largest and smallest possible values of a probability quest
- laser saturation and gain
- last line sometimes not displayed
- late start
- Law of Mass Action
- LCAO question
- Leading lines of development in LQG
- Least Squares Derivation—Simple Algebraic Simplification
- LED specifications
- Left Brained Vs. Right Brained?
- length contraction test in electrical circuits
- Length of a missing side no angle given :(
- Lenses Question -- image is to be the same size as the object...
- Lenzs Law and multiple tubes
- Let [...] be a countable number of finite sets. Prove [...]
- Letter of recommendation from father
- Level set vs level curve
- LHC about to restart - some frequently asked questions
- Life expectancy of Aqueous Flux going LowZ
- Life in universe
- light -- how light particles can penetrate through glass?
- Light and PV solar panels
- Light clocks measure conformal time - detailed argument
- Light clocks time
- Light pipes - is there a limit
- light speed is not constant or accurate
- Lightning Rocket Fuel
- Limit as it approaches 0
- Limit of windpower
- Limit quote length
- Limited Resolution Question
- Limits problem
- Limits question
- Line and neutral in spike guard
- line changing color latex tikz
- Linear Algebra
- Linear Algebra Book Recommendation?
- Linear Algebra Proof using Inverses
- Linear Collisions
- linear momentum physics project game ideas needed
- Linear transformation D:P2 --> P2
- Link between SR and a magnetic field
- Links to Physical Turbulence
- Lipschitz condition and Leibniz rule
- List of Neutron Moderators
- little confused with tensor index manipulation
- Load for bolts
- locally convergent
- Locomotive
- logical explanation for quantization
- longtime lurker here
- Look at one point - can you make the train change directions?
- Looking for a cost-effective filter for fluorscence
- Looking for an example of a Successive over-relaxation
- Looking for rigorous General Chemistry textbook
- Looking for rigorous text on dynamical systems
- Looking for what I thought would be a simple Pereability Q
- Loop the Loop with Frictional Work
- Loops 15
- Lorentz contraction in circular particle accelerators
- Lorentz transf. of a spherical wave in Euclidean space
- Lorentzian Manifolds in GR
- Lost and unsuccessful engineer.
- Lotka-Volterra model Eulers Method
- Low tech telecommunications (light)
- Low Temp Limit: Paramagnet v. Einstein solid
- Low-Order Approximation of System
- Lyman Hydrogen splitting
- Lz and k
- Macro-states and dice
- Magnesium Reacting With Acids
- Magnetic Field from a Single Electron
- Magnetic Field inside plate
- Magnetic field of hollow cylinder
- Magnetic fields
- Magnetic Fields / Force / Current
- Magnetic Flux question from masteringphysics
- Magnetic flux. Dont know where to start
- Magnetic Force of a Right Triangle influenced by a Line
- Magnetic force on a charge outside of toroidal coil
- Magnetic levitation using alternating current
- magnetic semiconductors
- Magnetic-field energy question
- Magnetising current of inductor and transformer
- Magnetism of Solids
- Magnitude of contact forces
- Magnitude of force on point from wire
- Magnitude of horizontal forces
- Magnitude of velocity and impulse
- main issues
- Major Quake - M7.5 Now
- Majoring in Philosophy to becoming a Software Developer?
- Make an android app in eclipse using python.
- Making a Nylon - Fibre Composite
- Making a Voltron out of DNA
- Making physics relevant in High School
- Making use of Titan
- Manifold/sub-manifold metric theorem Q- Schwarzschild metric
- Many Worlds Interpretation
- Mary Boas
- Mass and Ring
- Mass dimension of coupling constant -- always an integer?
- Mass equivalence solved?
- Mass needed for static equilibrium compound pulley system
- mass of a moving proton
- Mass of an electron
- Mass on a spring.
- Massive cable and massive pulley
- Massless string pulled by a force
- Masters Biophysics Canada
- Material opaque to IR but transparent to visible light
- Math and Chemistry?
- Math in Moscow: Number of students per semester
- Math Log problems
- Math of environment-particle entanglement
- math requirements of QM by J. J. Sakurai?
- Math REUs 2015: SUMSRI or Fairfield?
- Math teaching
- Math Textbook Series
- Math Textbook Series.
- Mathematic subjects to self study.
- mathematica code for multinomial expansion
- Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences by Boas
- Mathematical Physics vs Theoretical Physics
- Mathematical QFT text
- Mathematical solution needed for this biomechanics problem
- Mathematics book thats not a textbook
- Mathematics useful for Physics classes
- matlab taylor series script
- MATLAB: input arrays into function
- Matrices and systems of equations
- Matrices and wedge product concepts needed.
- Matthiessens rule
- Maximal duty cycle.
- Maximum kinetic friction-combined with a projectile problem
- Maximum shear stress on a given plane?
- Maxwell distribution
- Maxwell error -- simulating transformer core losses in transient "Current leak to the air"
- Maxwell field in general relativity
- May the Mass time Acceleration be with you!
- Mean value theorem for trigonometric function
- Meaning of the quantum field
- Measurement of Hydrogen 1s 4s transition frequency
- Measuring density with ultrasonics
- Measuring rotational speed
- Measuring Tension Between Train Carriages.
- Mechanical Principles (Statics) help please
- Mechanism of feeling hot
- Medical Physics Residency backup plans
- Meet a Mentor: D H
- Member Photo Thread
- mercury in air
- Mere approximation problem or something else? Thermodynamics
- Mesh Analysis KVl
- Method of joints - Truss
- Methods for Modeling 2d Rocket Flight
- Metric tensor with diagonal components equal to zero
- Micro- and Macroeconomics
- Micro-cracks in Belgian RPVs
- Microwave Engineering -- Noise figure of a cascade
- Mind-Body Problem
- Minimal force to turn over a tube
- Minimal Surface between two different coaxial circules
- Minimizing the maximum bending moment
- Missing Matter Problem and Galactic Flows
- mistake?
- Mix steam with colder water
- Mixing household bleach with urine
- Mobility of 2D material
- Model for Friedmann Equations
- Modeling boiling in a closed container with a small hole
- Modeling Hydrophobic Interactions
- Models of the Reals of All Cardinalities and Equivalence
- Mods deleting threads
- molar enthalpy
- Moment of Area
- Moment of inertia at CoP
- Moment of inertia of a solid sphere
- Moment of Inertia of a Square: Problem with Certain Method
- Momentum
- momentum cutoffs free field theory
- momentum operator eigenstates/eigenvalues
- Momentum operator in curvilinear coordinates
- Momentum-Parity
- Momentum: Jumping on a trampoline
- Monatomic Hydrogen Ion Gas
- Monday morning funny - Friends are like .........
- Monopole Mass Musings...?
- moon
- More Connected Capacitors
- More evidence that the wavefunction is ontologically real?
- More Valuable To Programming Employers? Math PhD Or XP?
- Morris Klines book good for multivariable calculus?
- Most general order-preserving function
- Motivations for the C*-algebra of observables?
- Motor that can move possibly up to 4kg
- Movement of particles on vibrating plate
- Movies on interstellar travel
- Moving stars (light spectrum)
- MQF or PhD physics? Decision for Fall 2015
- MSc in London
- Multifractals
- Multiplayer Refraction
- Multiple linear regression
- Multiple RLC problems
- Multipole expansion
- Multivariable Continuity
- Multiverse and Eternal Inflation Disproved?
- My favored scientist quotes
- My sourdough tastes like onions
- Mystery of strange radio bursts from space
- Mythbusters: Blow your own sail
- n-body simulation
- Nanofabrication in the automotive industry?
- NASA: Well find signs of alien life by 2025
- NASAs Solar Dynamics Observatory
- natural connection
- Natural Frequencies and Harmonics
- Natural frequency of 3 coulomb force bound particles in EF
- Natures actors
- Neanderthal fossils... never frozen?
- Near-instant Acceleration / Clocks
- need a push
- Need Advice from Engineers (ME
- Need clarification on adiabatic process and heat capacity
- Need data for galactic rotation curves
- need help
- need help ASAP!(Due in hour)
- Need help creating a gasoline electric bike
- Need help in applying Binomial Aproximation when y>>L?
- Need help in thermodynamics!!!
- need help please
- need help re: air pressure to fluid pressure
- Need Help with a mechanical engineer
- Need help with Calculating Averages
- Need Help with physics note
- Need some good physics textbooks
- Need suggestions on transfering compressed air to rotating o
- Need to find the length and deflection of bending element
- need to improve)
- Needlestick Prevention
- negative pressure or density?
- neglecting brownian motion for certain particle diameters?
- Neural Net to play tic-tac-toe
- Neutral intermediate boson to neutrinos are flavor preserving
- Neutrino mass paper
- Neutrino physics book
- Neutron diffusion around thin absorber
- Neutron flux in ITER
- Neutron Isomerie
- Neutrons in electromagnetic fields
- New Calc student w/ a derivative question
- New experimental proof of wave-function collapse?
- New guy!
- New help in contourf matlab
- New Horizons
- New Horizons NASAs mission to pluto
- New Member
- New member from Houston
- new member here
- New member HMatsu
- New Member Saying Hello!
- New member!
- new member/student here
- New to this
- Newbie :)
- Newbie just arrived
- Newbie to the nerd mecca :)
- Newtons argument
- Newtons First Law of Motion
- Newtons first law question.
- Newtons gravitational formula wrong?
- Newtons Method generalized to 3 dimensions
- Newtons second law (friction and pulley)
- Newtons Second Law. Involving an airplane.
- Newtons to Watts to Joules
- Nice to join you!
- no cycles in permutation N... how to calculate sgn(N^2)?
- No idea how to word this. Finding the gradient with vector?
- No ping in online video games
- No Sound out of Windows 8.1 PC
- No such thing as instantaneous speed?
- Nodal Analysis
- Nodal lines and single slit experiment
- Nodes in a standing wave and energy transmittance
- non-constant Cosmo-Constant (controversial?)
- Non-ideal opamp
- Non-separability : basis dependent
- Non-Uniform Charge
- None Gauge forces
- Nonrelativistic free particle propagators
- normal force
- Normal Force (Reaction Force)
- Normal force cancels out the force of gravity?
- Normal shift
- Normal-Tangential Coordinate for Ball Moving in Circle
- Normalization and expectation
- Normalizing Wavefunction on a Ring
- Not sure where else to ask this -- Can I teach myself Diff Eqs?
- Nova in Sagittarius
- Nuclear and Theoretical Physics
- Nuclear energy in USA: why only 19%
- Nuclear Engineering vs Mechanical Engineering
- Nuclear Form Factor - Scaling
- Null
- Number of escalator steps
- Number of Events Detected (Neutrino Collisions)
- Number of linearly independant motions
- Number of ways to fill 3 boxes with 5 balls
- Number theory GCD relatively prime question
- Numerical Approximation and addition of new data points
- Numerical Integration for Magnetic Field of a Loop of Wire
- numerical solving convection-diffusion problem
- NY Times: Researchers Report Milestone in Quantum Computer
- Objects in Mirror closer than appear Concave or Convex
- Obtaining a maximum resistance given a set of resistors
- Ode45 for solution of 4 d.o.f. problem
- of pure learning for bachelor degree?
- Ohmic contact or not?
- Ok
- Olá
- old
- on average
- On posting handwritten images of questions over typing them up.
- on standardization of normal distribution
- On the dimensions of the natural world
- On the origin of fermionic field.
- On the orthogonality of Sturm-Liouville eigenvectors
- On what does the cfm of fan depend?
- Once bitten
- one liners
- One Picture
- One submersible water pump and two tanks?
- onformation
- online
- Online_Courses VS Texts/Manuals
- only one R value known
- Op-amp Circuit with virtual Ground
- Opamp shaping amplifiers
- Open Access Publishing
- Operators for comparing superposition components; definable?
- Operators for measuring superposition component distinctnes?
- Opposite NPN transistor
- Optical Character Recognition using Neural network
- Optical Computing questions...
- Optics - Newtonian telescope
- Optimal Dragster Exhuast Pipe Angle
- Optimize code for a blob-detector (MATLAB)
- or Brandeis?
- Orbital Shielding
- ORC Heat Recovery Hybrid Electric Vehicle
- Order of Math and Physics Courses
- Origin of harmonics in Helmholts-type resonators
- Orion and comet Lovejoy Q2
- orthogonal coordinate systems - scale factors
- Oscillating current along antenna
- Osmolarity calculations
- Osmotic pressure=hydrostatic pressure in Ushaped tube
- Outlook for imaging physicists
- Output waveforms with a clamped capacitor
- Owning a Duplex and Attending Grad School
- Panel Discussion on Communicating Science
- Paper: Attention decay in science
- Papers on Calculus of Variations
- Parachute Problem
- Parallel Mutual Inductances
- Parallel RL circuits
- parameters-assign-matrix option disappear
- parity conservation
- Particle acceleration and eVs question from a newbie
- Particle decay/Four momenta
- Particle Model of Thermal Energy questions
- Particle Physics Self-Study
- Particles loss of energy
- Path integral formula so hard
- Path of a Projectile in Polar Coordinates
- Path Of Least Resistance
- Path of the end of a string wrapping around cylinder
- pd accross capacitance
- peak of cross section
- Pendulum forces component form
- Pendulum Question?
- Performing Integrations over Moduli Space for String Theory
- perimeter institute 2015 summer undergrad program
- Period of oscillation
- Period of the motion
- permeability of a filter
- Perpendicular geometric objects
- Persistence
- Peskin p. 160
- PF
- PF Photo Contest - Its The Beatles!!!! (2/21-2/27)
- PF Photo Contest - Life Is A Highway (1/31-2/6)
- PF Photo Contest - Pi Day (3/14-3/20)
- PF Photo Contest - Red Eye Gravy (2/28-3/6)
- PF Photo Contest - Spinning Like a Top (3/21-3/27)
- PF Photo Contest Winners
- PH buffer calculations
- pH of a Solution
- Ph.D. or a second Master?
- Pharmacokinetics of drug distribution
- Phase change during expansion
- Phase Delay Changes with Physical Length Changes
- Phase shift upon reflection
- PhD in Germany or USA
- Photodiode current estimate in an Infrared Proximity sensor
- Photoelectrochemical Cell: Can they work with external poten
- Photograph of (optical) caustics
- Photon energy of a certain material?
- photon free space
- photon mass and E=mc^2...
- Photon-photon collisions and photon "decay"
- photonic crystal
- photons -- can they have mass and travel at c?
- Physical applications of Riemann zeta function
- physical constants
- physical formulas
- Physically what is phase of an Image?
- physics
- physics after engineering
- Physics as a hobby vs. as a career
- Physics Forums
- Physics Forums Privacy Policy
- Physics Forums RSS Feed
- Physics Forums!
- Physics Minor?
- Physics of deacceleration of rolling vehicle
- Physics or engineering?
- Physics PhD at 50
- Physics podcasts
- physics presentation help
- Physics TED Talks
- Physics vs. Engineering undergrad for industry aspirations?
- Physics w/Calculus II Electric Potential
- PID controller - order
- PID controller for current control by adjusting the PWM
- piston and oil
- places to go/see
- Planar Density of (0
- Planar wave expansion cancelling through interference.
- Planck 2015 Data Release
- Planck limit
- Planck Stars and GR black and white holes
- Planetary atmospheres
- Plank with block of mass on top executing vertical SHM
- Planning to buy a first telescope?
- plate fin tube heat exchanger design procedure
- please -- particle moving with a uniform acceleration...
- please ...
- Please explain curious behavior with my rainwater barrel
- Please explain the statement "the big bang happened everywhere at once"
- Please explain Venturi effect
- Please help clarify use of resistor in this circuit
- Please help me finding this centroid of a graph. Thank you.
- please help me to understand "complex number"
- Please solve x^2+2^x = 100
- Plotting from equation
- PM sychronous motor parameter measurement
- PM Synchronous motor Id-Iq current control
- PN Junction Question
- Pneumatic Cylinder testing for leaks...
- Poincare Recurrence Theorem
- Point belongs to the boundary - real analysis
- Point Charge Given Field Maps
- point of contact of circle an tangent
- polar form of phasor
- Polar Integral
- Polarization and energy level transitions
- Polarization and refractive index
- Polarization of light
- Poly-phase Induction generator
- polynomial fractions simplest form?
- Polypropylene (pp) absorption of radiation.
- Pop can catapult
- Popping noise from speakers when I turn the fan off
- Population Dynamics: Logistic Model (Differential Equations)
- Position function and its derivations
- Position function and its derivatives
- Possibilities with Comp sci + math or comp sci + stats?
- Possibility of multiple moons in Earth-Moon system
- Possible decay states strong interaction
- Postgraduate calculator
- Potential as a Greens Function
- Potential difference between three capacitors in series
- Potential drop inside a circuit as a E=gradV
- Potential from a charge moving at constant velocity
- Potential of charged cylinders
- Power dissipated by a resistor in a circuit
- Power Generation (Optimization) in a Car Engine
- Power in a simple electric circuit
- Power learning - 16 hours a day
- power output of car
- Power relay contact arcing
- Power required to generate a wave
- Power rule of an integration [beginner]
- Power Series
- Power Supply voltage drop issue
- Power transmission - Pulleys
- Poynting vs. Current
- Practical application; wire coil dripping.
- Practical personal flight
- practical?
- Practice using K-Maps
- Pre-Med Students and Physicians: How do you work w/tremors?
- Precession of Earths axis and alignment with stars
- Preparing for college
- Present for favorite professor
- Present for finishing PhD
- Pressure regulator affect flow rate through pipe?
- Pressure regulator flow rate
- Prevent [i] from italicizing?
- Prime Numbers as Ortho-normal basis for all numbers
- Principal stress ?
- Principle of equivalence
- Prism -- brightness of a ray of white light as it passes through a prism?
- Probability Conditional Expectation
- Probability distribution
- Probability distribution for a rotating gas
- Probability favours worse odds?
- Probability of a point in a square being 0.5 from perimeter
- Probability problem
- Probability Question
- Probability question involving intersections
- Probability with permutation
- Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation
- Problem on Logic
- Problem registering my Office 2003
- Problem when closing preview
- Problem with Firefox on my new laptop
- Problem with motion in a circular path
- Problem with wave optics - diffraction grating?
- Problems with Capitalism?
- Production of inteference
- Programming a cyborg just by typing words?
- programs or games that uses GR
- Projectile Motion here then simulated in a different gravity
- Projectile Motion Problem
- Projectile Motion question
- Projectile Motion Using Vectors
- Projectile motion- solve for initial velocity
- Projectiles problem
- Projection operator and measurement
- Projects on CANTERA software
- proof of a relation in magnetic field for a charged particle
- Proof of an algebraic theorem
- Proof of Program Correctness
- Proof verification of EF/MF phases
- Propagation of error: exponents
- properties
- property.
- Proportional Counter
- Proportionality of frictional force
- Proteins
- prove arccos(-x)+arccos(x) = pi
- Prove evolution of Hubble parameter
- Prove Set of $\all$ onto mappings from A->A is closed
- prove the integral of f >=0
- Prove This
- Proving ##\psi## can be real or not
- Proving a Matrix to be nonsingular.
- Proving a transformation is linear
- Proving f = 0 almost everywhere
- Proving that Columns are Linearly Dependent
- Proving the fundamental theorem of calculus using limits
- Proving the property of entrophy
- Pseudo forces
- Pulley and Rope
- pursuing physics b.s.
- Pushing a kid on a swing
- Putty on a Pivoting Rod
- PV Work for Electrolysis Using Van Der Waals Equation
- PWM and Pull up/pull down
- Pyrite roasting. Mass balance with chemical reaction
- Python help with sequences and elements?
- Python: print problem!
- Q about 2nd derivative test for multivariable functions
- QCD vs. Spatial Expansion
- QED vacuum and Lorentz invariance
- QFT: Bogolyiubov transformations and KG inner product
- QM linear algebra true or false
- QM: Work done due a time dependent perturbation
- QR Factorization
- quantum bose einstein effects on a macro scale?
- Quantum Cat question
- Quantum computer more closely mimics a nervous system?
- Quantum equations suggest the big bang never happened
- Quantum Genetics Information
- Quantum harmonic oscillator: average number of energy levels
- Quantum Interference of atoms
- Quantum Mechanics: Eigenstate
- Quantum Mechanics: Eigenstates of ##\hat{\mathbb{S}}_x##
- quantum state of system before measurement
- Quantum time?
- Quantum treatment of nonlinear susceptibility
- Quark Scattering and Quark Flow Diagrams
- Qubits and quantum evolution
- Question about derivation of Euler-Lagrange eq.
- Question about derivative of an integral
- Question about empty sets in set theory
- Question about finding electric field using slope on excel
- Question about LaTeX!
- Question about stall warning system
- Question about static equilibrium
- Question about Summer School
- Question about Tesla
- Question about the De Broglie Hypothesis
- Question about the Nyquist sampling rate
- Question about the periodic table arrangement
- Question About Torque and Stepping Motors
- Question Beta Distribution ch.6 prob 48 in 7th edition Ross
- Question for design engineers
- Question of Gravitatation... Do see to it ..
- Question on a policy statement
- Question on averages
- Question on changing limits of integral
- Question on inverse functions
- Question on the Lagrangian
- Question regarding differentiation of x with respect to x
- Question regarding inelastic collisions
- Question regarding the otto cycle
- question regarding weight and paddling on the water
- question with acceleration vector
- Questions about circuits
- Questions about DDWFTTW
- Questions about Q point-transistor
- Questions about the Big Bang
- questions about the error in the slope of a graph
- Questions for Nagin Cox at JPL!
- Questions on basic forces
- Quick derivation question Quantum Mechanics
- Quick expression on geodesic equation
- quick lens problem
- Quick Question
- Quick question about centers of instantaneous velocities
- Quick question on Baryon spin states
- Quick question on Geodesic Equation
- Quick question tensor density transformation law
- Quick stress calculation with one force on an I Beam
- R-Simplexs the number 5 and prime numbers.
- R.I.P. Dr. Val Fitch
- R) a subalgebra of sp(4
- R)?
- Race car suspension Class
- Rack and Pinion Calculation help
- Radiant intensity
- Radiated power of electron in fusion device?
- Radio Shack Bites The Dust
- Radius and Mass of an Unknown Planet
- Radius of curvature along a spring
- Radius of Curvature along a spring?
- Ragdoll physics without 3rd party libraries
- Rain on roof of the car and on the front glass
- random power generation thought...
- Random question -- if a laser beam did not spread out...
- Random Thoughts part 4
- Randomized Complete Block Design - Scheffe Multiple Comparison
- Rankine Cycle Analysis Help
- Rapid Expansion of the Universe
- Rate constant and partial pressure
- Rate of precession caused by mountain on spherical earth
- ratio between electron to proton
- Ratio of water pump capacity to static header height
- Rayleigh Flow and Stagnation Conditions
- RC circuit problem
- RC circuits
- RC-circuitNeed help understanding why I get the wrong answer
- RCL Circuit: 2 Resistors
- Reaction Rate and Pressure
- Reading in file into an array Java
- Reading list for learning Quantum Mechanics please
- real analysis
- Real and complex vector spaces
- Real step-size in do loop-fortran
- really
- Recent news on Ettore Majorana?
- Reciprocal lattice vector
- Recommend me physics book
- Recommendations for Stress Analysis using Photoelasticity
- Recommended masters programs?
- Red shift due to lensing?
- Redefining Exception Java
- Reduction in the time range of a species
- Referential Integrity Details.
- Reflectance or reflectivity spectrum interpretation
- refraction through a glass slab + reflection off a concave
- refraction through a glass slab + reflection off a concave mirror
- Refraction through an optical fiber
- Regenerative braking on Locomotives with AC transmission
- Registration for GRE tst
- Rejected by Best Fit - Reapply
- Relabeling spin or angular momentum operators
- relating it to applied electric field
- Relation between torque and rpm..
- Relation between torque and rpm...
- Relationship between electric energy and force
- Relationship between electric potential and electric field
- Relationship between resistance and heat
- Relationship between size and frequency of an oscillator
- Relative Motion Analysis: Acceleration
- Relative velocity
- Relativistic treatment of the magnetic force from a current loop.
- Relativity and Circular Magnetic Field
- Reliable data transfer
- Replacing a capacitor in my DVD player
- Representations of semi-simple lie algebra
- Representations on Hilbert space
- Representing the Rate of Production?
- repulsion of magnets
- Reputation of Imperial College London in the US
- Required backround for quantum cosmology
- Required force to rotate the Engine piston
- Requirements prior to Quantum Mechanics
- Research in Differential Geometry
- Research Question - How to find novel research ideas?
- Research theme about semiconductors involving programming
- Resisters: what will give me a constant voltage
- resistivity and conductivity
- Resolving in the vertical direction and along the direction of the normal force
- Resonance in string instruments
- Resonance of drum shell
- Resultant acceleration Question
- Reverse Saturation Current in P-N Junction
- Reversible adiabatic processes with non-ideal gas
- Review for Graduate School
- Rewrite the trigonometric expression as an algebraic equation
- Rf basics
- Rigid body motion problem
- RIP Bob Simon
- RLC Circuit in Series
- RMS and average current triangle
- Robin boundary condition for cooling
- Roller Coaster Loop Loop
- Rolling in a cone
- Rolling Motion Up an Incline
- Rope tangent angle over pully given position of offset load
- Ross ch.6 problem 26 Joint Distribution of Random Variables.
- Rotate a three-sphere so every point moves in R^4?
- rotating electrical mahines
- rotation period of electron orbiting a proton
- Rotational energy on an incline
- rotational mechanics
- Rotational Motion - Disk-Disk Collision problem
- Rotational Period of Large Body
- Rotational spectrum assignment
- Rotational Spring Arbitrary Motion
- router
- Rudins Principles Theorem 1.11 (supremum
- Run Javascript after DOM is ready
- Runge Kutta Method
- Running 3 motors in circuit
- Russian opposition leader
- Safety: Capacitors in Subwoofer
- Sample preparation of sunscreen for use in UV-Vis
- Sates in band
- Savonius wind turbine
- Scalar potential for magnetic field
- Scale Factor
- Scaling - Inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass
- Scams
- School Funding in Kansas....
- Schrödingers cat explain color charge?
- Schwarzchild metric spherically symmetric space or s-t?
- Schwarzschild extension coordinate transformation algebra
- Schwinger or Jackson?
- Science Job Salary Resources
- Science Jokes
- Scientific Laws for Engineering Materials
- Scintillation detectors output
- Scribble pad along with normal posting
- Searching a particular forum
- searching for soft iron core
- Second order curiosities: MPP
- Seeking Recommendation on Multivariable Calculus (theories)
- seeks non-traditional career options
- Sehaj!
- Seismic waves
- Selecting Appropriate Damper
- Self lock: conditions to make it work
- Self-study graduate QM
- Self-studying mathematics - Discussion
- Separation of variables to solve Schrodinger equation
- Sequence and Series Terminology
- Sequence and subsequence - real analysis
- sequence of sequences convergence proof
- Series with binomial coefficients
- Set configuration definition
- Set of points in S^3
- Set Theory Question
- Set theory research
- Shaded Pole Motors
- shaft design problem
- Shape of Universe - What would a very long stick do...
- Shear Force Diagram
- Shear Stress due to bending
- Shear viscosity and Capillary Rheometer
- Shielding simulation and nuclide vector
- SHM: Equation relating acceleration and displacement
- Shooting method for BVP
- short Introduction
- short question
- Shortest distance between two points on a sphere
- should i add a Phosphorus supplement to my diet?
- Should I apply for a job I dont want?
- Should I work with a renowned Physics prof Being an EEE?
- Should Someone pursure career based on skill or happiness
- Show it belongs to sigma algebra
- Show that the gravitational potential V can be expressed as
- Show that the set S is Closed but not Compact
- Show the equality of two expressions
- Shut up and calculate wave guides
- Side lengths of inscribed triangle
- sigma=N*e*mu with N surface density
- significant figure help?
- Silicon oxide on the moon
- Silicone options for for creating a baby bottle nipple
- Simple Algorithm Not working.
- Simple application of Coulombs Law/Equation
- Simple differential equation
- Simple explanation of group generators
- Simple Harmonic Motion
- Simple Integrated Circuit Question
- Simple no-pressure cosmic model gives meaning to Lambda
- Simple question about frequency
- Simple question about moment of inertia
- Simple question on W boson decay products
- Simplified Method of Combustion Turbine Supercharging
- Simplifying a Function Prior to Finding a Derivative
- Simulation of Airless Tire
- Simulink help for getting a frequency I can use as an input
- Sine wave relationship with physical waves
- Single stage amplifier with current mirror biasing
- Singular Value Decomposition
- Sinusoidal alternating current/Homework
- Sixty men can dig a post-hole in one second
- Sleep-deprived graduate student
- Small Electric Motor question
- Small Machined springs
- Smallest Energy Transfer
- Smolin: Extending dualities to trialities (deepens dynamics)
- SN1 reaction
- Snubber circuit
- so you can put thermostat lower upstairs
- soccer ball at 4.3m
- Sodium Clorate -- what is best way to make this Weed Killer...
- Software to draw graphs and other pictures?
- Solar Flares and Solar WInds
- Solar System Origin
- Solenoid Electricity Generator
- Solenoid inductance.
- Solid State Physics: X-Ray scattering
- Solo Physicists
- Solubility Rule Question
- Solution to Schroedinger Equation for a huge hypothetical...
- Solving a 6th degree equation
- Solving a first order circuit
- Solving an equation
- Solving for k
- Solving for probability density (Griffiths 1.3)
- Solving Laplaces Equation for 2D isosceles right triangle
- Solving non-linear ODE
- Solving the equation of a line
- Solving the Schödinger equation - R.Shankars PQM
- Solving this space-time Metric
- solving x for ln and e
- Some easier equotation for gravitational time dilation?
- Some help on Compressed Air Energy Storage
- some questions
- Some quick ideal diode analysis
- Something about calculating the Age of the Universe
- SOP vs POS
- Sound Doppler shift asymmetry confusion
- Sound intensity/Ear drum problem
- Sound: Stones falling from cliffs
- Source of Magnetic component of light
- Source of new stars
- Soyabean Thresher
- space may be an illusion?
- Spacetime diagram problem (spacelike intervals)
- SpaceX rocket landing attempt...
- Special Relativity
- Special Relativity causes
- Special Relativity Rest Mass
- specification for Microscope ?
- Speed of a beryllium nuceleus after acceleration
- Speed of light postulate and clock synchronization
- Speed of light vs speed of sound
- Speed of Muons
- Speed of time
- speed parameter β and Lorentz factor γ
- Speed through the Center of the Earth
- Speed Time Estimation from a video!!
- Speeder and Cop Question
- Spherical coordinates - phi vs theta
- spherical trilateration
- spiders webs.
- Spin time development
- Spin-Charge separation seem to have been experimented
- Spindle gearbox: milling machine tool speed changer
- Splitting Fractions (Integrals)
- Spooler/Winch Braking
- Spring constant and SHM
- Spring launcher equation to find x
- Spring loaded door pusher for Chamber
- Spring Maximum Length
- Springs Assignment
- Square wave and sine wave
- Squared in e=mc^2?
- SR explanation of Magnetism
- Stability of carbocation
- stack struct function
- Stagnation pressure
- Standard candle - in question - affects distance estimates
- standard enthalpy of formation water
- Standard Free Energy
- Standard matrix for reflection across the line y=-x
- Standard Reduction Potential Changes in Regards to Acidity
- Star Trek icon Leonard Nimoy dies at age 83
- States in energy band
- Static electricity shock: Can it ever be lethal?
- Statics
- Statics -- A pulley is free to move on the cable...
- Statics Question
- Statics Question -- Bar and roller resting on a circular surface...
- Statics- determining reactions
- Stating Newtons second law
- Stationary/ Static Conditions Metric?
- Statistical Physics: Cubic lattice of two molecules
- steady wave eq and fourier transform
- Stealthy Re-entry
- Steam consumption calculation on a steam exchanger
- Steepest descent vs. stationary phase method
- StemWiki Hyperlibrary
- Stephen Hawking and Zero Energy
- Stern - Gerlach experiment with electrons
- Stern Gerlach term in the Pauli Equation
- Stimulated Emission = Stimulated Absorption
- Stock Markets
- Stokess Theorem and the Right Hand Rule
- Stone Weierstrass application?
- Strained Eye
- strength of material
- Stress and Strain Problem
- stress in a bending beam
- Stress in a squeeze ball
- String Theorys inconsistency with Relativity
- Strings in python
- structure of generated sigma algbra
- struggling to get by.
- Struggling to understand a field theorms corollary
- Stuck with tensors
- Studying for the pGRE seems hopeless
- Stupor Bowl
- subbands in semiconductor band structure
- Sublimation temperature of water in vacuum = 150K ?
- Suffering from panic attacks during test
- Suggest one way of sizing the transistors of the logic
- Sum of exponentials: non-iterative approximate solution?
- sum question
- Summation of exponential terms
- Suns heat on Earth in summer and winter
- Superbowl 2015 Predictions
- supercapacitor charging??
- Superconducting magnetic energy storage
- Superconductor science fair project?
- Superheated Steam Turbine - need help on a question please
- Supernova prediction: SN Refsdal
- Superscript Formula in Excel Function CONCATENATE
- Surface area about axis
- Surface area of a curve
- Surface Barrier in Type 2 Superconductors
- Surface Friction and Energy Modeling
- Surge Pressure Stagnation Pressure Static Pressure Bernoulli
- Suspended beam
- SUSY leptons and quarks
- Suzuki Cross-Coupling work-up question
- switch
- Switching careers to Medical Physics UK
- Switching question.
- Symmetric and idempotent matrix = Projection matrix
- Symmetric groups proof
- Symmetry in integrals
- Synthesis of a four bar linkage with a ternary couplar
- Syrian unrest
- System of diff eqs modeling salt in tanks
- system of diff eqs modeling tanks of brine
- t
- T-89 not giving pi back as cos(-1)
- T-L?
- Taking the derivative (no numbers)
- Taking the time time derivative of a curl
- Tan^2(2x) and Tan(2x?)
- Tangent plane confusion
- tangent to a curve
- tangent to a curve.
- Tangent vectors as directional derivatives
- taylor series
- Telecentric entrance pupil - Optics
- Telescope probes and warp track...
- Temperature and entropy for two gases mixing
- Temperature and Pitch question
- Temperature at beginning of Electroweak Epoch?
- Tension in string and oscillation
- Tension on bolts in anchor plate on concrete wall
- Tension on two cables
- Tension Problem
- Term to express a range of fluctuation
- Tesla Wardenclyffe news
- Test for Normality of Residuals. Is this how it Works?
- Testing how much random is my sample
- Testing the reduction of input to output ripple of MC7805
- Testing the reduction of input to output ripple of MC7805.
- Testing voltage regulation of MC7805 using active load.
- The "Intelligence" behind quantum physics
- The "x=x-vt" in Galilean/Lorentz transformation
- The (asserted) equivalence of first partial derivatives
- The 1904 plane of the Wright Brothers a bit strange...
- The acceleration of a ramp and mass
- The advantage the constant-volume combustion type gas turbine engine
- The Angular Velocity in Belt Drives
- The average velocity of the point - numerical value of t
- The Best Textbook for a Good Understanding of Mathematics
- The Cooper pair box Hamiltonian in the matrix form
- the curvature mean
- the distribution of energy and angle of backscattered SEs?
- The Engineers Essentials
- The expanding universe
- The First Three Minutes - Steven Weinberg
- The Food Thread part 2
- The future of bioengineering
- The future of our universe
- The Great Outdoors
- The ground state e- is the largest negative value
- The height at which the gravity acceleration is 5x smaller.
- The importance of velocity in simultaneity
- The Impossibility of Intelligent Life
- The impossibilty of nothing
- The Initial Reaction of a Voltaic Cell
- The LHC will climb into energy
- The Mathematical Physicist
- The Mathematical Structure of QM and the Stern Gerlach
- The Nuclear Power Thread
- The old Newtonian gravity
- The Physics of Power on a Bicycle
- The possibility of time travel?
- The problem E-Field of midpoint
- The Pythagorean Theorem
- The rectifier diode at Radio Shack 276-1141 Mfrs #?
- The renaissance square
- The results of integrals?
- The Should I Become a Mathematician? Thread
- The smallest angle flashlight beam can make with horizontal
- The source of all energy is the Sun?
- The standard of living is going down for the average American
- The Theory of Everything (string theory)
- The Warp Drive Problem
- Thefts
- then MS in electrical ?
- then now and in the future
- Theorem for limits?
- Theoretical/mathematical physics at Cambridge
- theoric question speed of light
- Theory about speed of light and how to be faster
- there!
- Thermal Physics-Change of energy from compression
- Thermal Physics: Energy change due to compression
- Thermodynamic Formulas
- Thermodynamics - engines question
- Thermodynamics - Internally reversivble process
- Thermodynamics cycles quick question
- Thermodynamics equilibrium problem
- Thermodynamics flow processes
- Thermodynamics: Enthalpy vs. Gibbs Free Energy usage
- Thermodynamics. Irreversible and reversible Process
- thermodynamics.....heating water from a copper tube
- Thermoelectric devices and entropy
- Thermophysical properties of iron oxide scales
- Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuit
- thevenin wrong
- Thevenins theorem
- Thinking of giving up on college
- Thinking outside the box
- Thomson and Rutherfords experiments
- Thought experiment on movement.
- Thoughts on Peer Review
- Thoughts on religious versus non religious universities?
- Thoughts On University of Missouri Science and Technology?
- Three charges at corners of equilateral triangle
- Thrilled to find this forum!
- Throttling process (Joule Thomson coefficient)
- TI Nspire CX CAS vs HP Prime vs Casio FX-CP400
- Time dilation in the field interpretation of GR
- Time dilation why or how
- Time dilation: speed relative to what?
- Time direction in LQC bounce
- Time Evolution for particle with potential suddenly removed
- Time frames and general relativity
- Time independent schrödinger equation query
- Time of a falling object when the force of gravity isnt constant
- Time travel into the future
- Time-ordered product of real scalar fields
- Tinkering with equations
- To be a specialist or generalist in engineering?
- Today I learned
- Too late for a 16 year old to pursue a career in Physics?
- Top 1n e^10 reasons e is better than pi
- Topics in Mechanical Engineering
- Torque and reference frames
- Torque on cylinder due to current in loop
- Torque Problem (confused)
- Torsion pendulum in Cavendish experiment
- Torus material
- Total Electrostatic Energy in a system of charges
- Total kinetic energy
- TR-3B "anti-gravity" simplified
- Tracking down Phil Trans xxxv 637
- Trajectory of a turning particle
- trajectory of centre of mass
- Transactional Interpretation (possibilist)- popular book coming
- Transfer? Seeking Advice
- Transferring Liquid Helium to Another Container
- Transformer in an adapter
- Transformer inductance a function of mu only?
- transformers in parallel
- Transforming predicate form to quantifiers
- Transient heat conduction of a semi-infinite solid
- Transistor as an amplifier (doubt)
- Transition Prbability
- Transmission line question
- Transverse Waves
- Transverse waves on string
- Trig identities
- Trigonometric Circle : f(x) = cos(2x+1)
- Trigonometry identities and equations
- Trigonomic Functions
- Triplet ESR in aromatic molecules
- Trouble finding appropriate potential function
- Trouble understanding Fermats principle of least time
- Trouble with work derivation
- Trp Operon Mutations?
- Truck collision with a resting car
- True?: Heat rises
- TRUE/ FALSE Glacial Question
- TRUE/FALSE light question
- Trying to Convert an Equation into an Ionic Equation
- Tug of war (in a vacuum)
- Tunneling with an alpha particle
- Turn Ipod Touch into IPhone
- Turning circuit in mobile handset system
- Tutoring Physics? (one bad experience
- Twilight days
- Two bikes
- two blocks on inclined surface
- Two cylinders: free to fall and rotate
- Two discs rotation question
- Two electromotive forces existing at the same
- Two equal-mass stars orbit each other
- Two masses on two inclined planes. What is mag. of velocity
- Two objects meeting
- Two ODEs which are coupled
- Two Velocities in the Lorentz Law
- Two-port network z-parameters
- Tying to use Zangwills EM book for multilayer R and T coeff
- type "graph paper" needed?
- Type Ia Supernova not Standard Candles? Im confused....
- Type your username into google and post the results
- Typical twin paradox problem
- UC Santa Barbara
- UChicago or Columbia for Undergrad Physics
- UCLA MS in Engineering (Online)
- Ukrainian mess
- Ultimate pi moment tomorrow morning
- Ultimate stress vs Temperature in glass
- Unable to get the expected result in Electro-thermal-Structural problem
- Unanswered threads
- Uncertainity Principle: possible to know the momentum and position?
- Uncertainty principle and relativity
- Uncertainty Principle cause infinite wavefunction solutions?
- Uncertainty principle presentation
- Uncertainty vs relativity
- Undamped Harmonic Oscillator Problem
- Undergraduate research for perspective graduate students
- Understanding a Colpitts oscillator
- Understanding coupled Runga Kutta derivation
- Understanding linearity in a vector proof
- understanding moment of inertia values
- Understanding multivariate linear regression
- Understanding temperature of a system of paramagnets
- Understanding the Born Rule
- Understanding the P(B|A) ≡ P(A ∩ B) / P(A) formula.
- Understanding transformers
- Understanding uncertainties
- Understanding use of accelerometers
- Units of viscosity
- Universal gate question
- Unknown thermochemical please
- Unreasonable loop
- Unsolved Scientific Problems in Classical Mechanics
- Unsure what undergraduate research to pursue
- Unsure where g term comes from? in this equation
- Untreated diabetic + ketosis = even higher blood sugar?
- Unwanted Calcium Carbonate in Refractory Cement
- UofT or McMaster Engineering?
- uranium enrichment
- Urban scaling - effect in ancient cities == modern cities
- Urgent Casio program help for AP Calc riemann sums
- Urgent help! Circuit problem for Physics.
- US and Cuba warming relations
- Use of a black hole
- Usefulness of partition of unity?
- using analog computer to solve 2nd-order diff eq
- Using Energy Equations to find Final Velocity
- Using General Relativity to analyze the twin paradox
- Using Graphing Paper for Physics and Math Coursework
- using h
- Using Reciprocal to Determine Miller Indices.
- Using the equation intensity = power/cross-sectional area
- Using the Locked Rotor Test to find parameters of DC motor?
- UW-Seattle vs. Scripps Institution of Oceaongraphy
- Vacuum energy-fundamental particle
- Value of a Masters in Computer Science from a State School?
- Vanishing of Einstein tensor from Bianchi identity
- Vapor pressure
- Vapor pressure curve for carbon dioxide
- vapor pressure in open container
- Vector and component vectors
- Vector and Tensor Exercise
- Vector curl problem and potential
- Vector identity question
- Vector representation of a Quantum State
- vector space
- vector space and fields question
- Vectors Calculus
- Velocity diagram for a rotating blade
- Velocity from force/time graph
- Velocity of an object Rotating in vacuum
- Vendor for Flint Glass Block or Prism
- vertical movement of heating plate
- Vertical Spring Forced Pendulum (Lagrange equations)
- Vessel with liquids having different refractive index
- VHDL help
- Viability of closed loop deep geothermal plants?
- Viking Women on the battle field?
- visual space of more three dimensions
- visualizing a 3-variable function in a 3D plot- Wolfram Math
- Voice coil polarization
- Voltage across terminals
- Voltage behavior in UG cables and OH 11 KV dist line...
- Voltage behavior in UG cables and OH 11 KV distribution lines...
- Voltage difference
- Voltage in a battery
- Voltage Regulation for three phase Dzn Transformer
- Voltage Regulation transformer
- VOTE PF Photo Contest - Its Super!
- VOTE PF Photo Contest - Pi Day
- w/8 motors
- Walking on eggshells
- Want to be a Professor
- Want to study nano-particles in Germany
- Waste Heat
- waste heat with both high and low temperatures
- Water Leak Question
- water rocket and water velocity
- Wave equation
- Wave equation given a cosmological inflationary metric
- wave function for a potential barrier
- Wave Generator with Crystal Quartz Oscillator?
- Wave in inhomogeneous medium (ray equation)
- Wave interference pattern
- Wave motion
- way to show spaced equal or not?
- Weak Field Approx
- Wedge and block initial momentum
- Weighted Mean: different sample size and variance
- Were neanderthals truely strong?
- Were there objections to Einsteins theory of relativity?
- What adds value to a Physicist?
- What are people doing with their math/physics degrees?
- What are photons?
- what are quarks made of???
- What are some of your favorite science-fiction novels?
- What are the best free tutorials for learning Ansys Fluent
- What are the best laptops to buy for programming purposes
- What are the important numbers in Cosmology?
- What are the physical implications of phonon softening?
- What are the requirements for staff mentor?
- What are top 10 physics concepts for middle schoolers?
- What area does the flux formula refer to?
- What background fits promising areas of mathematical physics
- What books should I get? Physics and Chem
- What can you learn about cosmology from Google calculator?
- What college to join for Bsc in Physics in India?
- What discipline deals with the following questions?
- What discoveries has the LHC made besides the Higgs Boson?
- What do you call Generation of electricity using waste heat
- What do you mean by cooper pair in real space and k space??
- What does 0 V exactly mean in an electric circuit mean?
- What does an infinite line of charge represent?
- What does B.dl indicate in Amperes Law
- What does negative voltage mean for MOSFET?
- What does the abbreviation YP stand for?
- What does the sound coming from an open column look like?
- What electives would be most beneficial?
- What exactly does pressure drop tell you?
- What experiment demonstrates Heisenbergs uncertainty principle?
- What fantasy universe would you live in?
- What function should I fit to this data?
- What functions of fields describe particles?
- What goes with a Computer Science major?
- What happens at energy-gaps
- What happens if "hot" wire touches Earth ground?
- What happens in a black hole?
- What happens to the sound wave?
- What I have to learn to be able to understand this textbook
- What if untreated diabetics only ate fructose and galactose?
- What is "Strong Force"?
- What Is A "Cubic" Spline?
- What is a pomeron?
- What is an inclusion map? (manifolds)
- What is applied load
- What is center of inertia?
- What is degree of dilution
- What is faster the cannon ball or its shadow?
- what is final temp?
- what is fringing effect ?
- What is geometric interpretation of this equality?
- what is integral of ln(abs(sin(x)))dx
- What is mass of particle X before the decay?
- What is meaning of (5
- What is meant by earths surface temperature?
- What is measure of numbers with certain property on [0
- What is new with Koide sum rules?
- What is really Nascent Oxygen?
- What is responsible for force in the standard model?
- What is the biggest challenge to improve white LEDs?
- What is the correct formula for acceleration for SHM
- What is the definition of "free fall"?
- what is the difference between blood flow and cardiac output
- What is the equivalent of Electric P.E. in Magnetism?
- What is the force on a moving particle in a magnetic field?
- What is the format for ionic lewis structure w/ resonance?
- What is the general boundary condition of wave-guides?
- What is the latest gossip on science
- What is the magnetic force on the particle
- What is the magnitude of the average velocity v of the car?
- What is the mass of this vertical rope? (Mechanical Waves)
- What is the meaning of dx?
- what is the most efficient way to produce charged particles?
- What is the oldest thing you have in your house?
- What is the period of a compound pendulum?
- What is the physical meaning of the Thomas-Fermi vector?
- What is the physics behind GRs diffeomorphism invariance?
- What is the polarity of a Pn junction diode
- What is the post orientation of a EU1L battery
- What is the relation between wave function on a photon.....
- What is the resultant vector electric field at the point P?
- What is the smallest thing discovered in our universe?
- What is the squiggly thing over B
- What is this thing?
- What is time?
- What is trivial and non-trivial gate in computing?
- what kind of job can I get while working on my degree?
- What kind of programming projects can be done using Kivy?
- what limits non-locality?
- What mathematics do undergraduate physics majors need
- What might cell membranes look like on Titan?
- What SciFi universe would you live in?
- what should i do? lectureship or pursue Ph.D?
- What should I learn after learning Calculus?
- what the center of a globular clusters are made of ?
- What three books would you take?
- What to do to focus on design field of refrigeration?
- What to do with my Physics Degree (low GPA)
- What to learn next in physics
- What to learn this summer?
- What will happen if light is longitudinal wave?
- What would happen if a stream of electrons hits a conductor?
- What would you have done differently if you had to go back?
- What you study in Condensed matter physics
- whata difference between TEM wave and plane wave?
- Whats is the best way to indicate a vector
- Whats the force moving electrons against E within copper-zinc
- Whats the nothingness that our universe is expanding into?
- Whats the point of unconscious/comas?
- Whats up :)
- whats wrong with this picture?
- Wheatstone bridge
- wheel+axle combination
- When does pirating a textbook become ethical
- When does the photon splits in 2 on the Two Slit Experiment?
- when editing a post
- When is the appropriate time to ask a young lady for her #?
- When is the following unbiased?
- When will you die calcuator?
- Where are the "not this again" threads
- Where are the stars?
- where can i buy a physics forums tee shirt?
- Where can i get more info on this formula.
- where can i get some semiconductor wire?
- Where can I view the balance on my SS/Medicare contributions
- where do I start learning differential geometry?
- where do you buy your chemicals from?
- where does mass come from?
- Where is the electric field zero
- Where to go next? (applied mathematics and physics)
- where to insert lipo alarm?
- Which anion could be used to selectively remove silver ions?
- Which answer is correct? Please check my work?
- Which answer is correct? Please check my work...
- Which answer is right? Please check my work?
- Which area of physics will be the most popular?
- Which calculator to get?
- Which Chromosomes to crossover given fitness?
- Which describes the 1D gravitational force in this figure?
- Which has the most intense sunlight hitting it?
- Which is faster? reading from memory or arithmetic?
- Which is the best conductor? silver or gold? why?
- Which of these PhD is better for financial quant industry?
- Which plane of GaN gives an image of dots placed hexagonally
- Which satellite is looking for exoplanets using transit?
- Which statement is true?
- Whiteboard feature
- Who Decided that Work = Force * Distance?
- Who has experience with AD8333 to demodulate a square wave?
- who is considered a starter?
- Who is gossoping
- Who is your favorite SciFi character?
- Who printed money before there were private central banks?
- Why are all other hominids dead?
- Why are Ramanujan sums the same as the complex Zeta values?
- Why are students permitted to use calculators on AP math?
- Why are there heat engines?
- Why are vectors defined in terms of curves on manifolds
- Why can different observers agree on their relative velocity
- Why can not we generate electricity with magnets?
- Why can we still detect the CMB ?
- why cant we reach to Speed of light at Space?
- Why cant we use nuclear waste in nuclear reactors?
- Why cant you change soil texture
- Why cross product hava a direction but dot product doesnt?
- Why do lots of people think that people choose to be gay?
- Why do objects rest on space thus causing gravity?
- Why do people think the universe is finite?
- Why do railguns produce an "explosion"?
- Why do resistors always cause a voltage drop equal to the vo
- Why do resistors always cause a voltage drop equal to the voltage applied?
- Why do things far away seems smaller?
- Why do you like physics?
- Why does a non-polar molecule imply insolubility in water?
- Why does electrostatic force move water but not magnetism?
- Why Does Energy Exist?
- Why does expectation values are always nonnegative?
- Why does impulse exist?
- why does light refract toward the normal
- Why does my inductor coil have no effect on my circuit
- Why does newtonian dynamics break down at the speed of light
- Why does plastic container slides off at the same speed?
- Why does random crossover work?
- Why does speed of DC motor increase when flux is reduced?
- Why does the Sun behave like a black body?
- Why does txpectation values are always nonnegative?
- Why doesnt electrode potential depend on amount of metal?
- Why doesnt U.S participiate in PLANCKS contest
- Why electrostatic charges evenly distribute on metal circle
- Why Gausss law works when charge enclosed is not uniform?
- Why is average velocity called velocity?
- Why is our society the way it is?
- Why is the speed of light 186
- Why is the Universe (nearly) flat ?
- Why is the Universe (nearly) flat?
- Why is the voltage across one resistor the same as supply?
- Why is there electric field outside a battery?
- Why is this tau decay not allowed?
- Why isn’t the sun green?
- why multiply -T?
- Why must an electron-positron collision produce gamma rays?
- Why must singularities create an entire universe?
- Why never any length expansion under Lorentzian Relativity?
- Why photons are timeless?
- Why reducing nature of hydrides increases down a group?
- Why so many wave equations?
- Why the voltage acrossWheatstones bridge isnt always zero?
- width?
- Will a gap year harm my ability/career?
- Wind pressure
- Wind speed (100mph) to Pressure (psi)
- Windows clock cannot sync
- Wing surface area
- Wireless Alternatives to LVDT probes?
- with some knowns
- Work done assembling a system of charges?
- Work done by a expanding and contracting wire over a Carnot cycle
- work done by electric field
- Work Done by Expanding Gas
- Work done by friction
- Work Done On A Slingshot
- Work of Electrolysis of Water
- Work on a car that is skidding to a stop
- Work-Energy Theorem Algebraic Representation
- Work: Integral or average
- Working out a point / segment on a sphere
- Working through college?
- Working with Maxwell equations
- Working with numerical solutions in mathematica
- Workings of Aircraft/Electronics of Aircraft
- Worm gear calculation
- Worst frequency for EM interference?
- Would a wires magnetic field increase the net-B field?
- Would gravity waves redshift ?
- Would gravity waves redshift?
- Would Staring at Laptop in Dim Lit Room be Bad?
- Would the one accelerating please stand up?
- Would the reading in voltmeter change??
- Would you date or marry a nonintellectual?
- Write a Pseudocode for the following instructions:
- Writing an essay for summer research as an undergraduate.
- Wrong Explanations for the Luminosity of Main-Sequence Stars
- Wronskian to determine L.D
- X > 0
- xray characteristic
- Y-Chromosomal Adam
- Yemeni mess
- Yo Physics Forum
- YOU!: Fix the US Energy Crisis
- Your Local Cuisine
- Zener diode connections
- Zooniverse or Galaxy Zoo
- Zurecks Quantum Darwinism Paper
- σ Model
Blog Archive
- Undamped Harmonic Oscillator Problem
- Force, Horsepower and Acceleration logic?
- How can I replicate conditions on pin on disc test
- Law of Mass Action, where does mass come from?
- Why does speed of DC motor increase when flux is r...
- how to calculate equivalent inertia of an engine?
- .3333.... equals to
- Double Valve Spring
- Urgent help! Circuit problem for Physics.
- Flat plate heat exchanger - Hand calculations help
- Complex Analysis: Theorem Name
- Referential Integrity Details.
- Stress in a squeeze ball
- Aerospace engineering at Imperial?
- Black holes in the globular cluster M22 with Dr. T...
- Vendor for Flint Glass Block or Prism
- Euler and the youth of mathematicians
- How do X-ray Binaries Form in Black Holes?
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- The old Newtonian gravity
- Quick stress calculation with one force on an I Beam
- Derivative of natural log function questions
- Path of the end of a string wrapping around cylinder
- biomechanics problem. Have no idea
- Double slit experiment and Interaction
- Prism -- brightness of a ray of white light as it ...
- Aurora/Magnetosphere Physics PhD programs? (Texas)
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- Model for Friedmann Equations
- Capacitor, Charge, and Sinewave, need help please
- Special Relativity
- Random Thoughts part 4
- Spherical coordinates - phi vs theta
- Magnetic-field energy question
- Capacitor, Charge, and Sinwave, need help ASAP!(Du...
- pursuing physics b.s., late start
- Rack and Pinion Calculation help
- Flux Direction effect on Saturation, Quick Question
- momentum operator eigenstates/eigenvalues
- Extinction Spectrum?
- is the universe truly expanding?
- Control Theory State-Space method with derivative ...
- Most general order-preserving function
- Particles loss of energy
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- Flux Direction effect on Saturation, Quick Question
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- Implicit Differentiation: Differentiating in Terms...
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- Speeder and Cop Question
- Power Series
- Selecting Appropriate Damper
- Center of gravity/moment of inertia
- A heated cathode inducing thermionic emission of e...
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- biomechanics problem. Have no idea
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- In what ways do high altitudes affect speed of sound?
- What is meant by 'Earth's surface temperature'?
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- the distribution of energy and angle of backscatte...
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- where can i get some semiconductor wire?
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- Major Quake - M7.5 Now
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- Hi All! I am wondering whether physics is for me...
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- UCLA MS in Engineering (Online)
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- What's the nothingness that our universe is expand...
- Scalar potential for magnetic field
- Transferring Liquid Helium to Another Container
- What is the definition of "free fall"?
- Testing how much random is my sample
- Finding period of any type of function
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- Extinction Spectrum?
- GPA Requirements, Masters Biophysics Canada
- what should i do? lectureship or pursue Ph.D?
- The advantage the constant-volume combustion type ...
- Planar Density of (0,-1,1,0) plane in HCP
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