Curvature When t=0

dimanche 1 juin 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Find the curvature of

##r(t) = \frac 4 9 (1+t)^ \frac 3 2 i + \frac 4 9 (1-t)^ \frac 3 2 j + \frac 1 3 tk## at t=0

2. Relevant equations

k=1/|v| * |dT/dt|

3. The attempt at a solution

Found v.

##v= \frac 2 3 (1+t)^ \frac 1 2 i + \frac 2 3 (1-t)^ \frac 1 2 j + 1/3k##


v/|v|= <(2/3)(1+t)^(1/2), (2/3)(1-t)^(3/2), 1/3>

K(0)=1/1 * |dT/dt|

##= \sqrt( \frac 1 3 ^2 + \frac 1 3 ^2 + \frac 1 3 )= \frac 3 9 =\frac 1 3 ##

Nevermind, got it.

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